4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109Mukesh Rai holds a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Science. His research interest revolves around the atmospheric aerosols and traces gases compositions, and study their potential climatic and human health impacts by using numerical models, remote sensing data sets, and in-situ observation. His previous research includes aerosol optical properties, radiative forcing, aerosol transport mechanisms, columnar distribution of aerosols, synergy on aerosol-PBL feedback, the role of wind regime in aerosol transport, analysis on aerosol optical depth distribution using multi-sensors satellite and model, and meteorological influence in aerosols. Prior to joining JPL, he worked for the International Center for Integrated Mountain and Development (ICIMOD) where he engaged in installation of Black Carbon monitoring station, supported in incorporating NASA/SERVIR air quality model validation using satellite products and observation data.
Mukesh Rai is a postdoctoral fellow in Earth Science Division’s Tropospheric Composition Group and he will use transport diagnostic tools that leverage the atmospheric river concept, tropospheric chemistry reanalysis products and new satellite observations of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) to analyze large-scale transport of trace gases, improve the use of satellite PAN observations in transport analysis, evaluate current chemistry reanalysis and satellite products and characterize long-range transport phenomena and quantify impacts on local air quality extremes.