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Dr. Rachel Spratt

Photo of Rachel Spratt


4800 Oak Grove Drive

M/S 300-323

Pasadena, CA 91109


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Curriculum Vitae:

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Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction

NASA Postdoctoral Fellow

Employed By

A NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow is not an employee of any office or agency. The fellow has a guest appointment at JPL. ORAU currently administers the appointment.


Rachel is a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Jorge Vazquez in the Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction group. She is studying spatial gradients in salinity and temperature data in the Bering Sea.

She is currently working on data from the coastal Alaskan watershed, working on developing markers of climate change within the Arctic.


  • PhD in Marine Science UCSB, 03/2020
  • BA in Mathematics from Lehman College, 06/2012
  • BA in Biology from Swathmore College, 09/1990

Professional Experience

  • 2021 - Present NASA Postdoctoral Fellow
  • 2018, 2019 Instructor of Record at USCB (Introduction to Oceanography)
  • 2015-2017 Teaching Assistant at UCSB (Introduction Climate Modelling, Introduction to Earth's Climate)
  • 2012, 2013 Tutor to the Computer Modelling and Complex Systems’ Conferences at CUNY’s Lehman College

Community Service

  • Conversational English practice with incoming international students in preparation for Teaching Associate proficiency exam, Summers, 2016-2019.
  • Attended all-UC governance rally in Irvine, CA, Fall 2016, including graduate student association plenary sessions and events.
  • Participated in committee to choose UCSB Associate Vice Chancellor of Technology Summer 2015.

Research Interests

  • Surface changes in coastal oxygen and salinity which reflects changes in runoff.
  • Ocean circulation strengths in changing climate patterns.

Selected Awards

  • Fellowship to attend CESM Introductory course at NCAR, 08/2020
  • STEM Fellows Award, UCSB, 09/2015
  • Women in Science and Engineering Award, UCSB, 12/2014

Selected Publications

  1. Spratt, R. M. and Lisiecki, L. E.: A Late Pleistocene sea level stack, Clim. Past, 12, 1079–1092