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Marcia Burton

Photo of Marcia Burton


4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 169-506

Pasadena, CA 91109





Member of:


  • PhD in Geophysics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
  • M.S. in Geophysics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
  • B.S. in Physics, California State University Los Angeles, CA

Research Interests

Planetary magnetic field modeling, including modeling of Saturn's internal magnetic field based on inversion of magnetic field data and modeling Earth's magnetic field derived from paleomagnetic data over the Holocene

Selected Publications

  1. Burton, M. E., M. K. Dougherty, and C. T. Russell. Saturn's internal planetary magnetic field, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, 24, 2010.
  2. Burton, M. E., M. K. Dougherty, and C. T. Russell. Model of Saturn's internal planetary magnetic field based on Cassini observations, Planetary and Space Science 57.14 (2009): 1706-1713.
  3. Dougherty, M.K., K. K. Khurana, F. M. Neubauer, C. T. Russell, J. Saur, J. S. Leisner, M. E. Burton, Identification of a dynamic atmosphere at Enceladus with the Cassini magnetometer." Science 311.5766 (2006): 1406-1409.
  4. Kempf, S., Srama, R., Horányi, M.E., Burton, M., Helfert, S., Moragas-Klostermeyer, G., Grün, E. (2005). High-velocity streams of dust originating from Saturn. Nature, 433(7023), 289-291.
  5. Hsu, H. W., Postberg, F., Kempf, S., Trieloff, M.E., Burton, M., Roy, M.,Srama, R. (2011). Stream particles as the probe of the dust‐plasma‐magnetosphere interaction at Saturn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 116(A9).
  6. Hsu, H. W., Kempf, S., Postberg, F., Trieloff, M.E., Burton, M., Roy, M., Srama, R. (2011). Cassini dust stream particle measurements during the first three orbits at Saturn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 116(A8).
  7. Kempf, S., Srama, R., Horányi, M., Burton, M.E., Helfert, S., Moragas-Klostermeyer, G., & Roy, M. E. Grün 2005a. High-velocity streams of dust originating from Saturn. Nature, 433, 289-291.
  8. Cao, H., Russell, C. T., Christensen, U. R., Dougherty, M. K., & Burton, M. E. (2011). Saturn's very axisymmetric magnetic field: No detectable secular variation or tilt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304(1), 22-28.
  9. Paranicas, C., Mitchell, D. G., Krimigis, S. M., Carbary, J. F., Brandt, P. C., Turner, F. S., Burton, M. E.(2010). Asymmetries in Saturn's radiation belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 115(A7).
  10. Bertucci, C., Achilleos, N., Russell, C. T., Dougherty, M. K., Smith, E. J., Burton, M.E., Mazelle, C. (2005). Bow shock and upstream waves at Jupiter and Saturn: Cassini magnetometer observations. The Physics of Collisionless Shocks, 781, 109-115.
  11. Achilleos, N., Bertucci, C., Russell, C. T., Hospodarsky, G. B., Rymer, A. M., Arridge, C. S., Burton, M.E., Tsurutani, B. T. (2006). Orientation, location, and velocity of Saturn's bow shock: Initial results from the Cassini spacecraft. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 111(A3).

