Richard Kidd
4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 183-301
Pasadena, CA 91109
Curriculum Vitae:
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Member of:
- B.S., Genetics, University of California at Davis (1987)
- Ph.D., Molecular and Cell Biology, The Pennsylvania State University (1996)
Professional Experience
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California (2004-Present)
- Discipline Program Manager for Exobiology and LARS Programs (2012-Present)
- Research Scientist, Planetary Chemistry and Astrobiology Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2008-present)
- Cognizant Engineer, Pre-Concentrator/Gas Chromatograph, Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor (2007-2010)
- Scientist, Astrobiology Research Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2004-2008)
- Honorary Research Fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry, University College London, UK (2002-2004)
- Senior Scientist, Target Discovery, Inpharmatica Ltd., United Kingdom (2002-2003)
- Senior Research Officer, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia (2001-2002)
- Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (1998-2001)
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Veterinary Science, The Pennsylvania State University (1996-1997)
Research Interests
- The design, testing and integration of microfluidic liquid chromatography components for the detection of macromolecules with the eventual goal of developing field and flight instruments.
- The nature, diversity and evolution of antifreeze biomolecules in cold-adapted micro-organisms, as well as their longevity in the geologic record.
- The use of X-ray diffraction/spectroscopy to study the chemical and structural biosignatures of organisms that live in rock and sediment (including ice).
Selected Awards
- UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Distinguished Alumnus (2014)
- JPL Team Bonus Award, SHERLOC Proposal Manager Team (2014)
- JPL Team Bonus Award, VCAM Post-Flight Analysis (2013)
- JPL Team Bonus Award, SBIR/STTR Technical Monitor Team (2013)
- JPL Team Bonus Award, SBIR Subtopic Manager Team (2012)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Habitat Demonstration Unit (2011)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor (2011)
- JPL Mariner Bonus Award (2008)
- JPL Mariner Bonus Award (2007)
- Invited to illustrate the cover of the September 2001 issue of Protein Science.
- Accepted into the NSF "Integrative Biology and Adaptation of Antarctic Marine Organisms" course, held at McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica (2001).
- Elected to Full Life Membership in Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (1997).
- Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Nominee for the Pennsylvania State University Graduate Assistant Award for Outstanding Teaching (1994).
- Recipient of a Life Sciences NASA Space Grant College Fellowship Award, The Pennsylvania State University (1993).
- Recipient of a UC Davis Alumni Scholarship, The University of California at Davis (1982).
Selected Publications
- Madzunkov, S. M., Simcic, J., Kidd, R. D., Bae, B., Scianmarello, N. and Darrach, M. (2014). Implementation and test results on a mass spectrometer and micromachined preconcentrator and gas chromatograph for crewed and robotic space missions. Texas Tech, Electronic ICES-2014-292.
- Russell, M. J., Barge, L. M., Bhartia, R., Bocanegra, D., Bracher, P. J., Branscomb, E., Kidd, R. D., McGlynn, S., Meier, D. H., Nitschke, W., Shibuya, T., Vance, S., White, L. and Kanik, I. (2014). The drive to life on wet and icy worlds. Astrobiology 14, 308-343.
- Barge, L. M., Kee, T. P., Doloboff, I. J., Hampton, J. M. P., Ismail, M., Pourkashanian, M., Zeytounian, J., Baum, M. M., Moss, J. A., Lin, C.-K., Kidd, R. D. and Kanik, I. (2014). The fuel cell model of abiogenesis: a new approach to origin-of-life simulations. Astrobiology 14, 254-270.
- Barge, L.M., Doloboff, I.J., Russell, M.J., VanderVelde, D., White, L.M., Baum, M., Zeytounian, J., Kidd, R.D. and Kanik, I. (2014). Pyrophosphate synthesis in iron mineral membranes simulating prebiotic submarine hydrothermal precipitates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 128, 1-12.
- Madzunkov, S. M., MacAskill, J. A., Simcic, J., Kidd, R. D. and Darrach, M. (2013). Recent developments in gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers for crewed and robotic space missions. J. Am. Inst. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Electronic 2012-3453.
- Coy, S. L. Krylov, E. V., Nazarov, E. G., Fornace Jr., A. J. and Kidd, R. D. (2013). Differential mobility spectrometry with nanospray ion source as a compact detector for small organics and inorganics. Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spec. 16, 217-227.
- Darrach, M. R., Chutjian, A., Bornstein, B. .J., Croonquist, A. P., Garkanian, V., Hofman, J., Karmon, D., Kenny, J., Kidd, R. D., Lee, S., MacAskill, J. A., Madzunkov, S. M., Mandrake, Schaefer, R. T. and Toomarian, N. (2012). Trace chemical and major constituents measurements of the International Space Station atmosphere by the Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor. J. Am. Inst. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Electronic 2012-3432.
- Darrach, M. R., Chutjian, A., Bornstein, B. .J., Croonquist, A. P., Garkanian, V., Haemmerle, V. R., Hofman, J., Heinrichs, W. M., Karmon, D., Kenny, J., Kidd, R. D., Lee, S., MacAskill, J. A., Madzunkov, S. M., Mandrake, L., Rust, T. M., Schaefer, R. T., Thomas, J. L. and Toomarian, N. (2011). On-orbit measurements of the ISS atmosphere by the Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor. J. Am. Inst. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Electronic 2011-5214.
- Ehrenfreund, P., Röling, W., Thiel, C., Quinn, R., Septhon, M., Stoker, C., Direito, S., Kotler, M., Martins, Z., Orzechowska, G. E., Kidd, R. D. and Foing, B. F. (2011). Astrobiology and habitability studies in preparation for future Mars missions: trends from investigating minerals, organics and biota. Int. J. Astrobiology 10, 239-253.
- Orzechowska, G. E., Kidd, R. D. and Ehrenfreund, P. (2011). Qualitative analysis of soils samples using Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). Int. J. Astrobiology 10, 209-219.
- Darrach, M. R., Chutjian, A., Bornstein, B. J., Croonquist, A. P., Garkanian, V., Haemmerle, V. R., Heinrichs, W. M., Karmon, D., Kenny, J., Kidd, R. D., Lee, S., MacAskill, J. A., Madzunkov, S. M., Mandrake, L., Rust, T. M., Schaefer, R. T., Thomas, J. L. and Toomarian, N. (2010). Validation test results from the Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor. J. Am. Inst. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Electronic 2010-6094.
- Mielke, R. E., Wilson, P. R., Coleman, M., Kidd, R. D., Russell, M. J. and Kanik, I. (2010). Design, fabrication and test of a hydrothermal reactor for Origin-Of-Life experiments. Astrobiology 10, 799-810.
- Chutjian, A., Darrach, M. R., Bornstein, B. J., Croonquist, A. P., Edgu-Fry, E., Fry, D. J., Garkanian, V., Girard, M. A., Haemmerle, V. R., Heinrichs, W. M., Kidd, R. D., Lee, S., MacAskill, J. A., Mandrake, L., Rust, T. M., Schaefer, R. T., Thomas, J. L., Toomarian, N. & Walch, M. J. (2008). Results from the Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor: a miniature gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer for trace contamination monitoring on the ISS and Orion. Proc. Int. Conf. Env. Systems, Electronic 2008-01-2045.
- Chutjian, A., Bornstein, B. J., Conroy, D. G., Croonquist, A. P., Darrach, M. R., Francis, G. R., Edgu-Fry, E., Fry, D. J., Garkanian, V., Girard, M. A., Haemmerle, V. R., Heinrichs, W. M., Kidd, R. D., MacAskill, J. A., Rust, T. M., Schaefer, R. T., Thomas, J. L., Toomarian, N., Walch, M. J. (2007). Overview of the Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor, a miniature gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer for trace contamination monitoring on the ISS and CEV. Proc. Int. Conf. Env. Systems, Electronic 2008-01-2045.
- Kidd, R. D., Feldman, S. M., Svehla, D., Shakkottai, P. and Choi, D. S. (2006). Nanofluidic size exclusion chromatograph for in situ macromolecular analyses. Astrobiology 6, 258, Abstract 184.
- Hollen, S., Strayer, D., Liu, Y., Hays, C., Kidd, R. D. and Israelsson, U. E. (2005). Simulating the Moon's gravity on Earth using magnetic levitation. Space Resources Roundtable VII: LEAG Conference on Lunar Exploration, Abstract 2030.
- Harju, E., Kidd, R. D., Bhartia, R. and Conrad, P. G. (2004). Laser-induced native fluorescence detection of organic molecules in hydrothermal vent rocks. Eos Trans. AGU 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS43B-0556.
- Wooh, J., Kidd, R. D., Martin, J. L. and Kobe, B. (2003). Comparison of three commercial sparse matrix crystallization screens. Acta Cryst. D59, 769-772.
- Baker, E. N., Baker, H. M., Koon, N. and Kidd, R. D. (2002). Lactoferrin: bioactive properties and applications. Bulletin Int. Dairy Fed. 375, 54-58.
- Brittain, T., Kidd, R. D. and Baker, E. N. (2002). Electron transfer between cytochrome b5 and some oxidized haemolglobins - the role of ionic strength. J. Inorg. Biochem. 88, 328-334.
- Baker, E. N., Baker, H. M. and Kidd, R. D. (2002). Lactoferrin and transferrin: functional variations on a common structural framework. Biochem. and Cell Biology 80, 27-34.
- Kidd, R. D., Brittain, T. and Baker, E. N. (2002). A theoretical study of the process of electron transfer between cytochrome b5 and some oxidized haemolglobins. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 7, 23-30.
- Kidd, R. D., Russell, J. E., Brittain, T. and Baker, E. N. (2001). The role of beta chains in the control of hemoglobin oxygen binding function: chimeric human/mouse proteins, structure and function. Biochemistry 40, 15669-15675.
- Kidd, R. D., Baker, H. M., Mathews, A. J., Brittain, T. and Baker, E. N. (2001). Oligomerization and ligand binding in a homotetrameric hemoglobin: two high resolution crystal structures of hemoglobin Bart's, a marker for alpha-thalassemia. Protein Science 10, 1739-1749.
- Kidd, R. D., Mathews, A. J., Brittain, T. and Baker, E. N. (2001). Subunit dissociation and reassociation leads to preferential crystallization of hemoglobin Bart's from solutions of human embryonic hemoglobin Portland at low pH. Acta Cryst D57, 921-924.
- Kidd, R. D., Baker, H. M., Anderson, B. F., Ivanovich, I., Faber, H. R. and Baker, E. N. (2001). Crystal structure of a form of apo-lactoferrin with both lobes open points to the importance of conformational dynamics in Solution. Crystal XXII Meeting, South Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia.
- Baker, H. M., Anderson, B. F., Kidd, R. D., Shewry, S. C. and Baker, E. N. (2000). Lactoferrin three-dimensional structure: a framework for interpreting function. in Lactoferrin: Structure, Function and Applications (K. Shimazaki et al., eds), pp. 3-15, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
- Kidd, R. D. (2000). Crystal structures of hemoglobin Bart's: the carbonmonoxy form at 1.7 A resolution and the azido-met form at 1.86 A resolution. Crystal XXI Meeting, Thredbo, New South Wales, Australia.
- Kidd, R. D., Sears, P., Huang, D.-H., Witte, K., Wong, C.-H. and Farber, G. K. (1999). Breaking the low barrier hydrogen bond in a serine protease. Protein Science 8, 410-417.
- Staley, M., Zeringue, L. C., Kidd, R. D., Nixon, B. T. and Farber, G. K. (1998). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of the Rhizobium meliloti DctD two-component receiver domain. Acta Cryst. D54, 1416-1418.
- Chen, X., Reddanna, P., Reddy, G. R., Kidd, R. D., Hildenbrandt, G. and Reddy, C. C. (1998). Expression, purification and characterization of a recombinant 5-lipoxygenase from potato tuber. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 243, 438-443.
- Teo, B., Kidd, R. D., Mack, J., Tiwari, A., Phillips, A. T. and Farber, G. K. (1998). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of L-histidine ammonium lyase from Pseudomonas putida. Acta Cryst. D54, 681-683.
- Kidd, R. D., Reddy, G. R., Chen, X., Farber, G. K. and Reddy, C. C. (1997). Cloning, expression and crystallization of 5-lipoxygenase from potato tubers. 17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San Francisco, CA.
- Kidd, R. D., Yennawar, H., Sears, P., Wong, C.-H. and Farber, G. K. (1996). A weak calcium binding site in subtilisin BPN' has a dramatic effect on protein stability. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 1645-1650.
- Shi, W., Kidd, R., Giorgianni, F., Schindler, J. F., Viola, R. E. and Farber, G. K. (1993). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of L-aspartase from Escherichia coli. J. Mol. Biol. 234, 1248-1250.