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Habitable Worlds Observatory

Habitable Worlds Observatory Project Logo

The Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) is a large ultraviolet/optical/infrared space telescope recommended by the National Academies’ Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s.

Thanks to its unprecedented combination of spatial resolution and sensitivity at those wavelengths, HWO would be a transformative facility for general astrophysics the first telescope designed specifically to search for signs of life on planets orbiting other stars, also providing.

HWO is currently in early phase of conceptual development. More information on HWO can be found here:


Photo of Vanessa Bailey
Vanessa Bailey
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Pin Chen
Pin Chen
Planetary And Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Photo of Raissa Estrela
Raissa Estrela
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Yasuhiro Hasegawa
Yasuhiro Hasegawa
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Renyu Hu
Renyu Hu
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Tiffany Kataria
Tiffany Kataria
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of John Krist
John Krist
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Eric Mamajek
Eric Mamajek
Astrophysics & Space Sciences - Deputy Program Scientist Exoplanet Exploration Program
Photo of Bertrand Mennesson
Bertrand Mennesson
Exoplanet Discovery and Science
Photo of Jason Rhodes
Jason Rhodes
Science Division - Senior Research Scientist