4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 183-901
Dr. Shanshan Yu's specialty is molecular spectroscopy focused on composition of Earth's atmosphere, planetary atmospheres and the interstellar medium. Her graduate study was mainly on ions and radicals, equipping her with experience in analyzing complex spectra with strong perturbations. She came to JPL as a NPP postdoc in 2008 and became an employee in 2010. As Member of several teams including (1) JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Team; (2) OCO-2 ABSCO Team; (3) OCO-2 and OCO-3 Instrument Calibration Team; (4) Herschel/HIFI Instrument Team; (5) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS) Team; (6) PRobing InsterStellar Molecules with Absorption line Studies (PRISMAS) Team, she has been responsible for (a) providing molecular line parameters for Aura/MLS, OCO-2 and Herschel/HIFI; (b) providing calibration support to OCO-2, OCO-3 and Herschel/HIFI; (c) analyzing Herschel/HIFI's observations. In 2017 she was funded under ROSES/PICASSO to develop the ChiralSpec instrument for studying the "Ocean Worlds" of the outer Solar System (e.g., Enceladus, Europa, and Titan).