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Bonnie Teece

Photo of Bonnie Teece


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Laboratory Studies


Bonnie is a PhD graduate of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at the University of New South Wales. During her PhD, Bonnie used spectroscopy and spectrometry to increase reliability in detecting bona fide organic biosignatures in environments with high contamination potential (e.g., old rocks, hydrothermal environments). She has been supported as a DAAD scholar, a Big Questions Institute Fellow, and was the sole recipient of the Geological Society of Australia’s (GSA) PhD endowment fund in 2019. In addition to her astrobiological research, she is passionate about education and mentoring. She has taught science communication, astrobiology and geology at Macquarie University and UNSW for the past six years. She has also worked for the Powerhouse Museum as an Educator and Learning Developer and participated in several mentoring programs, such as Curious Minds. For her work on virtual field trips and pedagogy in online education, she is recognized internationally as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Bonnie serves aboard the Early Career Advisory Panel to the GSA and co-chairs GSA’s Education and Outreach group.


- PhD in Geology, UNSW Sydney 2018−2022

- Master of Research with high distinction, Macquarie University 2016−2017

- Bachelor of Arts with the degree of Bachelor of Science, Macquarie University 2012−2016

Professional Experience

Teaching, Lecturing, Course and Assessment Design, UNSW, Sydney (2018 – 2022)

BEES2680: Introduction to Communicating Science (T2, 2020, T1 2022)

BEES2741: Introduction to Astrobiology (T2, 2019)

BEES6800: Communicating Science (T1 2019, T3 2019, T1 2020)

BEES6741: Astrobiology: Life in the Universe(T2, 2018)

GEOS1111: Fundamentals of Geology (T2, 2018)

Educator and Learning Developer, Powerhouse Museum

Project Officer, Online Learning and Innovation Community of Practice, UNSW 2021−2022

Communication and Dissemination Work package Leader, COALA 2022−Current

Communication and Dissemination Officer, COALA 2020−2022

Co-Founder and Deputy Director, Praxical 2020−Current

Project Manager, UNSW, Sydney 2019

Tutoring at Macquarie University, NSW (2016 – 2020)

GEOS2042: Life, The Universe and Everything (S1, 2016-2020) online only in 2020

GEOS226: Introduction to Field Geology (Summer School, 2017)

Instructor for the ANZIC Marine Geoscience Masterclass, International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) (2019)

Research Interests

I will be working on the NASA In-Situ Vent Analysis Divebot for Exobiology Research (Invader Project), and will be analysing life detection strategies on deep ocean hydrothermal vents as part of this project. I apply context-driven multi-technique approaches to increase reliability in interpreting biosignatures in my research. I am particularly passionate about organic compounds in hydrothermal environments, and in the Early Earth and how they relate to the search for life elsewhere. I am also interested in researching education pedagogy, particularly online education or geoscience education.

Selected Awards

Geological Society of Australia, Voisey Medal Winner (2023)

Big Questions Institute Fellow (2022)

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE (2022)

UNSW Science PhD Writing Scholarship (2021)

Co-author on a U21 Researcher Resilience fund (2020)

Co-author on an Inspiring Australia NSW Science Week grant (2020)

The sole recipient of the Geological Society of Australia’s PhD Endowment Fund (2019)

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholar (2019)

Australian Federation of Graduate Women Fellowship Awards, Highly Commended (2019)

Winner of the PANGEA Research Centre Award for Outstanding Postgraduate Research Presentation (2018)

Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (2018)

Selected as one of 18 students in the inaugural CAPSTAN voyage (2017)

Research Training Program Master of Research (RTPMRES) scholarship (2017)

Macquarie University Research Training Pathway Scholarship, semester 1 and 2 (2016)

Academic Excellence in a Tertiary Admittance Programme, Wollongong College (2010)

Selected Publications

Teece, B.L., Havig, J.R., Hamilton, T.L., Barge, L.M. ‘Geochemical context for hydrothermal organic molecules in terrestrial Mars analog samples’. Nature Astronomy

Dzurilla, K.A., Teece, B.L. (co-first authors) (2024) ‘Discriminating between extinct and extant life detection: implications for future Mars missions’. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, 10

Boulesteix, D., Buch, A., Williams, A. J., Kivrak, L.L., Havig, J.R., Hamilton, T.L., Teece, B.L., He, Y., C. Freissinet, Huang, Y., Santos, E., Szopa, C., (2024) ‘Environmental Analogs from Yellowstone hot springs on Geochemical and Microbial Diversity with Implications for the Search for Life on Mars’. Planetary and Space Science, 105953

Baumgartner, R.J., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Caruso, S., Campbell, K., Dobson, M., Teece, B.L., Verrall, M., Homann, M., Lalonde, S., Visscher, V.T. (2024) ‘The Paleobiological Significance of Pyritized Stromatolites from the 3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton’. Geobiology, 22(4), e12610

Nersezova, E.E., Rowe, M.C., Campbell, K.A., Langendam, A., Tollemache, C., Lyon, B., Galar, A., Guido, D.M., Teece, B.L., Hamilton, T.L., (2024) ‘Trace metal and organic biosignatures in digitate stromatolites from terrestrial siliceous hot spring deposits: Implications for the exploration of martian life’. Chemical Geology, 122194

Weber, J.M., Marlin, T.C., Prakash, M., Teece, B.L., Dzurilla, K., Barge, L.M. (2023) ‘A Review on Hypothesized Metabolic Pathways on Europa and Enceladus: Space-Flight Detection Considerations’. Life, 13(8), p. 1726

Oliver, C.A., and Teece, B.L. (2023) ‘Astrobiology-related Virtual Field Trips in higher education settings: A six-year study’. Astrobiology, 23(8)

Metternicht, G., and Teece, B.L. (2023), ‘Satellite images: Selfies for preserving Earth’s Environment’, Frontiers for Young Minds, 11:886767 (Peer-reviewed Journal for Teenagers)

Baumgartner, R.J., Teece, B.L., Rasmussen, B., Muhling, J., Rickard, W.D., Pejcic, B., Hu, S., Bourdet, J., Caruso, S., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Grice, K. (2023) ‘Exceptional preservation of organic matter and iron-organic colloidal mineralization in hydrothermal black smoker-type sulfide mineralization from the Paleoarchean seafloor’ Chemical Geology, 121296

Teece, B.L., Havig, J.R., George, S.C., Hamilton, T.L., Baumgartner, R.J., Hartz, J., Van Kranendonk, M.J. (2023), ‘Biogeochemistry of recently fossilised hot spring sinters from Yellowstone, USA’. Astrobiology, 23(2)

Teece, B. L., Guido, D., Campbell, K.A., Galar, A., Van Kranendonk M.J., George, S.C. (2022), ‘Exceptional molecular preservation in the late Jurassic Claudia palaeogeothermal field’. Organic Geochemistry, 173, p.104504

Teece, B.L., Brock, G.A., Paterson, J. R., Skovsted, C.B., Holmer, L.E., George, S.C. (2021), ‘Using laser micropyrolysis to assess potential relationships between Cambrian tommotiids and organophasphatic bra- chiopods’. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 158

Teece, B.L., Metternicht, G., Gnassi, A., Vuolo, F., Belfiore, O.R. (2021), ‘Making it happen: An experience of using earth observation-based research outputs for engaging high school students in novel technologies for sustainable agriculture.’ Geographical Education, 34, (Peer-reviewed Teacher’s Journal)

Zapata Trujillo, J. C., Syme, A. M., Rowell, K. N., Burns, B. P., Clark, E. S., Gorman, M. N., Jacob, L.S.D., Kapodistrias, P., Kedzoira, D.J., Lempriere, F.A.R., Medcraft, C., O’Sullivan, J.O., Roberston, E.G., Soares, G.G., Steller, L., Teece, B.L., Tremblay, C.D., Sousa-Silva, C., McKemmish, L. K. (2021), ‘Computational infrared spectroscopy of 958 phosphorus-bearing molecules.’ Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8(43)

Teece, B.L., George, S.C., Jacquet, S.M, Agbaje, O.B.A., Brock, G.A. (2020), ‘Mars rover techniques and lower-middle Cambrian microbialites from South Australia: Construction, biofacies and biogeochemistry’. Astrobiology, 20(5)

Teece, B.L., George, S.C., Djokic, T, Campbell, K.A., Ruff, S.W., Van Kranendonk, M.J. (2020), ‘Biomolecules from fossilized hot-spring sinters: Implications for the search for life on Mars’. Astrobiology, 20(4)