4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 183-301
Abigail Fraeman is broadly interested in the origin and evolution of terrestrial bodies in our solar system, and her work has concentrated on investigating how the complex geologic histories of Mars and its moons are preserved in their rock record. She specialized in remote sensing with a focus on visible and short wavelength infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Abigail received a PhD in Earth & Planetary Sciences from Washington University in St Louis and a BS in Physics and in Geology & Geophysics and Yale University.
AGU, GSA Member. Reviewer for Icarus, JGR: Planets, Planetary and Space Sciences, and Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science. National Academies Committee on Astrobiology and Planetary Science, Panel on Planetary Protection Classification of Sample Return Missions from Martian Moons. PDS Geosciences Node Advisory Committee. NASA review panel member and external reviewer. Organizing committee: COSPAR 2018, 9th International Conference on Mars Exploration, COSPAR 2022. Program committee: LPSC 2023. Numerous public outreach and engagement activities.
History and evolution of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, Reflectance spectroscopy from the macro- to micro-scale.