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Shannon Hibbard

Photo of Shannon Hibbard


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

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Planetary Geosciences


My name is Shannon Hibbard and I recently finished my Ph.D. in planetary geology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, and started as a Postdoc through the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP). My research is focused on understanding periglacial and glacial processes and geomorphology on Earth to find potential relationships between surface morphology and subsurface ice content and geometry. This research can be used to better understand and characterize periglacial and glacial processes on Mars and assist in the identification of near-surface massive ice deposits for future in-situ resource utilization. I focus predominantly on ice that is buried under a layer of soil but also explore glacial flow mechanics. I have used multiple geophysical (e.g., GPR, LiDAR, Drone), field (e.g., soil and water sampling, trenching), and remote sensing techniques (e.g., satellite imagery and DEMs) to locate buried massive ice deposits on Earth to assist in locating ice in the mid-latitudes of Mars. I utilize multiple orbital datasets on Mars to assist in the characterization and identification of periglacial and glacial landforms, particularly visible and thermal data. Fieldwork and GIS are fundamental in my research.

ResearchGate Profile


  • Ph.D. Western University, CA 2021 - Geology w/ Planetary Science
  • M.Sc. Temple University, US 2017 - Geology
  • B.S. The Ohio State University, US 2014 – Geology

Professional Experience

  • 09/2021–Present NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, JPL-Caltech
  • Research focus: Periglacial and Glacial Geomorphology on Earth and Mars
  • Advisor: Dr. Matthew Golombek
  • 09/17–08/21 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Western Ontario
  • Courses: ES1086F: Origin and Geology of the Solar System, ES2240F: Catastrophic Events in Earth’s History, AS2232G: Sun, Earth and Planets, ES4462A Glacial and Quaternary Geology
  • 09/18–12/18 Instructor, University of Western Ontario
  • Course: fourth-year undergraduate Glacial and Quaternary Geology course ES4462A
  • 06/18–08/18 Exploring Earth Blog Writer, Canadian Space Agency, University of Western Ontario
  • Website:
  • 08/15–05/17 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Temple University
  • Courses: EES 2097: Process Geomorphology, EES 4101: Structural Geology, EES 2001: Physical Geology, EES 0854: Geology of National Parks, and EES 0836: Disasters: Geology vs. Hollywood
  • 03/15–08/15 Soils and Concrete Testing Lab Technician, Terracon and Professional Service Industries, Inc.
  • Role: Performed Atterberg Limit tests (ASTM D4318) on fine-grained soils, compressive strength tests (ASTM C39) on concrete cylinders, Proctor compaction tests (ASTM D698) on soils and soil aggregate mixtures, and sieve analyses of soils and aggregate mixtures (ASTM C136).

See CV for more

Research Interests

Permafrost Science; Glaciology; Geomorphology; Earth-Mars Analogues; GIS

Selected Awards

  • 09/20–Present NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellowship, Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
  • 04/21–12/22 Europlanet 2024 RI Programme & Transnational Access (TA), Co-Investigator, TA1 – Planetary Field Analogues (PFA)
  • Title: Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) and LiDAR Survey of Relict and Active Periglacial Patterned Ground as Analogues for Mars
  • Project Number: 20-EPN2-105
  • 08/20–12/20 Mitacs Research Training Award (RTA), University of Western Ontario and Mitacs
  • 08/20 Western Summer 2020 Student Internship Award, University of Western Ontario and Faculty of Science
  • 05/17 Graduate Award for Outstanding Teaching, College of Science and Technology, Temple University
  • 08/10–04/14 The Morrill Scholars Program Prominence Scholarship, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University
  • 05/14–07/16 DAAD IAESTE Scholarship, DAAD
  • 05/13–07/13 DAAD RISE Scholarship, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University

Selected Publications

  • Hibbard, S. M., Williams, N. R., Golombek, M. P., Osinski, G.R., and Godin, E., 2021. Evidence for widespread glaciation in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. Icarus 359.
  • Hibbard, S. M., Osinski, G. R., and Godin, E., 2021. Vermicular Ridge Features on Dundas Harbour, Devon Island, Nunavut. Geomorphology, 395.
  • Becerra, P., Smith, I. B., Hibbard, S., Andres, C., Bapst, J., Bramson, A., Buhler, P., Coronato, A., Diniega, S., Emmett, J., Grau Galofre, A., Herny, C., Kahre, M., Knightly, J. P., Nerozzi, S., Pascuzzo, A., Portyanikna, G., Rabassa, J., Tamppari, L., Titus, T., Whitten, J., Yoldi, Z., 2021. Past, Present and Future of Mars Polar Science: Outcomes and outlook from the 7th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration. Planetary Science Journal, 2, 209.
  • Bramson, A. M., Andres, C., Bapst, J., Becerra, P., Courville, S. W., Dundas, C. M., Hibbard, S. M., Holt, J. W., Karunatillake, S., Khuller, A., Mellon, M. T., Morgan, A. G., Obbard, R. W., Perry, M. R., Peterson, E. I., Putzig, N. E., Sizemore, H. G., Smith, I. B. Stillman, D. E., Wooster, P., 2020. Mid-Latitude Ice on Mars: A Science Target for Planetary Climate Histories and an Exploration Target for In Situ Resources. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53, 4, Whitepaper #115, Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032,
  • Grau Galofre, A., Andres, C., Becerra, P., Bhardwaj, A., Bramson, A., Butcher, F., Christensen, P R., Conway, S. J., Coronato, A., Hauber, E., Hibbard, S., Knightly, J. P., Meng, T., Osinski, G., Peterson, E., Plaut, J., Rabassa, J., Rutledge, A., Sam., L., Serla, J., Whipple, K., 2020. A Comparative View of Glacial and Periglacial Landforms on Earth and Mars. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53, 4, Whitepaper #101, Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032,