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Sujeong Lee

Photo of Sujeong Lee


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Origin of the Universe

JPL Postdoc


Sujeong Lee (she/her/hers) has joined JPL to contribute to the Euclid mission by mitigating observational and astrophysical systematics on galaxy clustering. She earned her Ph.D. in physics at the Ohio State University and conducted postdoctoral research at Duke University. She is a member of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and has substantially contributed to modeling alternative scenarios to the standard LCDM model such as modified gravity from their Year 1 to Year 6 analyses. She is also particularly interested in developing tools and methods to optimally combine and maximize information from future photometric and spectroscopic surveys.


Ph.D. in physics; The Ohio State University (2019), Columbus, USA
M.Sc. in physics; Kyung Hee University (2013), Seoul, Korea
B.S. in physics; Kyung Hee University (2011), Seoul, Korea

Professional Experience

2019-2022; Postdoctoral Researcher, Duke University, Durham, USA

Research Interests

Weak gravitational lensing, large scale structure, modified gravity, dark energy

Selected Publications

  1. Lee S., Huff E. M., Choi A., Elvin-Poole J., Hirata C., Honscheid K., MacCrann N., et al., ”Probing gravity with the DES-CMASS sample and BOSS spectroscopy”, 2022, MNRAS, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab3129
  2. Lee S., Troxel M. A., Choi A., Elvin-Poole J., Hirata C., Honscheid K., Huff E. M., et al., ”Galaxy-galaxy lensing with the DES-CMASS catalogue: measurement and constraints on the galaxy-matter cross-correlation”, 2022, MNRAS, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab3028
  3. Lee S., Huff E. M., Ross A. J., Choi A., Hirata C., Honscheid K., MacCrann N., et al., ”Producing a BOSS-CMASS sample with DES imaging”, 2019, MNRAS, 489, 2887. doi:10.1093/mnras/stz2288
  4. DES Collaboration, ”Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on extensions to ΛCDM with weak lensing and galaxy clustering”, 2022, arXiv:2207.05766
  5. Porredon A., Crocce M., Elvin-Poole J., Cawthon R., Giannini G., De Vicente J., Carnero Rosell A., ..., Jarvis, M., Lee, S., Lemos, P., ..., et al., ”Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing using the MagLim lens sample”, 2021, arXiv:2105.13546
  6. DES Collaboration, Abbott T. M. C., Abdalla F. B., Alarcon A., Aleksic ́ J., Allam S., Allen S., Amara A., ..., Lahav, O., Lee, S., Lemos, P., ..., et al., ”Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Constraints on Extended Cosmological Models from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing”, 2018, PhRvD, 98, 043526. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.043526