4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 264-850
Pasadena, CA 91109Samantha is a JPL Postdoctoral Fellow on the Mars 2020 Science Team and the RAVEN (Rover-Aerial Vehicle Exploration Network) project. Her main research interests are understanding the depositional history of ancient environments recorded in stratigraphic successions by combining assessments of facies and depositional processes with compositional (geochemical, mineralogic) signatures. This combined approach is crucial to fully understand all source-to-sink sediment processes at the basin scale.
At JPL, she is utilizing data acquired by the Perseverance rover to understand the depositional history of sedimentary successions at Jezero crater and contextualize interpretations with previous orbital mapping efforts. She is also a member of the RAVEN Mars analog project, which aims to optimize science operations for a combined rover-helicopter mission scenario.
Clastic sedimentology and stratigraphy; Ancient depositional environments on Mars; The compositional record of source-to-sink sediment history; Applications of remote science operations through Mars analog studies;