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Andre Vitorelli

Photo of Andre Vitorelli


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Origin of the Universe

JPL Postdoc


Andre (he/him/his) has been to engineering school years ago and dropped out to work in programming to translating. Andre came back to academia to major in physics, minor in astronomy in 2012. Since then he has followed the straight academic life path, just being the 'older guy around'.


University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences

PhD. in Astronomy, 2019

M.Sc. in Astronomy, 2015

B.S. in Physics, 2013

Professional Experience

Photometric calibration for the S-PLUS survey, weak lensing pipelines, galaxy shape measurements and calibration with tensorflow.

Community Service

Presented on "Virada Científica USP 2015" a 24-hour event showcasing science done in the university for the wide public, we emphasise bringing people from all walks of life to discover the science being made in Brazil.

Research Interests

Formation of large scale structure, image processing.

Selected Publications

  1. Farrens, S. ; Lacan, A. ; Guinot, A. ; Vitorelli, A. Z. (2021) “Deep Transfer Learning for Blended Source Identification in Galaxy Survey Data”. In arXiv:2110.08180 (accepted for publication in A&A)
  2. Bonoli, S. et al (2021) “The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors”. In: A&A, Volume 653, id.A31, 37 pp.
  3. AlmeidaFernandes,F. et al. (2021) “Data Release 2 of SPLUS: accurate templatefitting based photometry covering 1000 square degrees in 12 optical filters”. In: arXiv:2104.00020
  4. Mendes de Oliveira, C. et al. (2019). “The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (SPLUS): improved SEDs, morphologies and redshifts with 12 optical filters”. In: MNRAS, 489, Issue 1, p.2048.
  5. Ishida, E. E. O., R. Beck, S. GonzálezGaitán,R. S. de Souza, A. KroneMartins, J. W. Barrett, N. Kennamer, R. Vilalta, J. M. Burgess, B. Quint, Vitorelli, A. Z., A. Mahabal, and E. Gangler (2019). “Optimizing spectroscopic followup strategies for supernova photometric classification with active learning”. In:MNRAS 483, Issue 1, pp. 2–18.
  6. MonteiroOliveira,R., E. S. Cypriano, Vitorelli, A. Z., A. L. B. Ribeiro, L. Sodré, R. Dupke, and C. Mendes de Oliveira (2018). “New insights on the dissociative merging galaxy cluster Abell 2034”. In: MNRAS 481, Issue 1, pp.1097–1114. Pereira, M. E. S., M. SoaresSantos,
  7. M. Makler, J. Annis, H. Lin, A. Palmese,Vitorelli, A. Z., B. Welch, G. B. Caminha, T. Erben, B. Moraes, and H. Shan(2018). “Weaklensing calibration of a stellar massbased mass proxy for redMaPPer and Voronoi Tessellation clusters in SDSS Stripe 82”. In: MNRAS 474, Issue 1, pp. 1361–1372.
  8. Vitorelli, A. Z., Eduardo S. Cypriano, Martín Makler, Maria E. S. Pereira, Thomas Erben, and Bruno Moraes (2018). “On mass concentrations and magnitude gaps of galaxy systems in the CS82 survey”. In: MNRAS 474, Issue 1, pp. 866–875.