B.S., Engineering Physics, The Ohio State University
Professional Experience
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1992 - present)
Scientist in the Earth and Space Sciences Division (1992-1996)
Research Scientist in the Earth and Space Sciences Division (1996-present)
Mini-TES Investigation Scientist for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers. (2000-present)
Principal Investigator, Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) on Europa Clipper
Co-I and Investigation Scientist, ChemCam on Mars Science Laboratory
National Research Council Research Associate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1990-1992)
Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, at the University of Hawaii at Manoa - Graduate research assistant, Planetary Geosciences Division (1984-1990)
Research Interests
Planetary sciences.
Surface composition and chemistry using short wavelength infrared reflectance spectroscopy, thermal emission spectroscopy, and laser induce breakdown spectroscopy.
Technology development programs to mature visible to short wavelength imaging spectrometers for landed and orbital planetary missions.
Flight development and operations of optical instruments for landers and orbiters.
Selected Awards
NASA Group Achievement Award, Mars Science Laboratory Prime Mission Science and Operations Team (2015)
NASA Group Achievement Award, Mars Exploration Rover Science and Operations Team (2014)
NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL ChemCam Instrument Development & Science Team (2013)
NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL Payload System Management Team (2013)
NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL Project Operations Team (2013)
NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL Science Office Development and Operations Team (2013)
NASA Group Achievement Award, UCIS Instrument Team (2013)
Selected Publications
Paranicas, C, Hibbitts, CA, Kollmann, P, Ligier, N, Hendrix, AR, Nordheim, TA, Roussos, E, Krupp, Blaney, D, and Cassidy, TA, "Magnetospheric considerations for solar system ice state", ICARUS, 302, 560-564, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.013, 2018
Wiens, R.C., D.M. Rubin, W. Goetz, A.G. Fairén, S.P. Schwenzer, J.R. Johnson, R. Milliken, B. Clark, N. Mangold, K.M. Stack, D. Oehler, S. Rowland, M. Chan, D. Vaniman, S. Maurice, O. Gasnault, W. Rapin, S. Schroeder, S. Clegg, O. Forni, Blaney, A. Cousin, V. Payré, C. Fabre, M. Nachon, S. Le Mouelic, V. Sautter, S. Johnstone, F. Calef, A.R. Vasavada, and J.P. Grotzinger, Centimeter to decimeter hollow concretions and voids in Gale Crater sediments, Mars, Icarus, 289:144-156, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.02.003, 2017.
Nachon, M., N. Mangold, O. Forni, L.C. Kah, A. Cousin, R.C. Wiens, R. Anderson, Blaney, J.G. Blank, F. Calef, S.M. Clegg, C. Fabre, M.R. Fisk, O. Gasnault, J.P. Grotzinger, R. Kronyak, N.L. Lanza, J. Lasue, L. Le Deit, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, P.-Y. Meslin, D.Z. Oehler, V. Payré, W. Rapin, S. Schröder, K. Stack, and D. Sumner, Chemistry of diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam at Pahrump Hills, Gale crater, Mars, Icarus, 281:121-136, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.08.026, 2017.
Mangold, N., L.M. Thompson, O. Forni, A.J. Williams, C. Fabre, L. Le Deit, R.C. Wiens, R. Williams, R.B. Anderson, L. Blaney, F. Calef, A. Cousin, S.M. Clegg, G. Dromart, W.E. Dietrich, K.S. Edgett, M.R. Fisk, O. Gasnault, R. Gellert, J.P. Grotzinger, L. Kah, S. Le Mouélic, S.M. McLennan, S. Maurice, P.-Y. Meslin, H.E. Newsom, M.C. Palucis, W. Rapin, V. Sautter, K.L. Siebach, K. Stack, D. Sumner, and A. Yingst, Composition of conglomerates analyzed by the Curiosity rover: Implications for Gale crater crust and sediment sources, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, 121(3):353-387, doi:10.1002/2015JE004977, 2016.
Le Deit, L., N. Mangold, O. Forni, A. Cousin, J. Lasue, S. Schröder, R.C. Wiens, D. Sumner, C. Fabre, K.M. Stack, R.B. Anderson, Blaney, S. Clegg, G. Dromart, M. Fisk, O. Gasnault, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, N. Lanza, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, S.M. McLennan, P.-Y. Meslin, M. Nachon, H. Newsom, V. Payré, W. Rapin, M. Rice, V. Sautter, and A.H. Treiman, The potassic sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by ChemCam on board Curiosity, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, 121(5):784-804, doi:10.1002/2015JE004987, 2016.
Lasue, J., S.M. Clegg, O. Forni, A. Cousin, R.C. Wiens, N. Lanza, N. Mangold, L. Le Deit, O. Gasnault, S. Maurice, J.A. Berger, K. Stack, Blaney, C. Fabre, W. Goetz, J. Johnson, S. Le Mouélic, M. Nachon, V. Payré, W. Rapin, and D.Y. Sumner, Observation of > 5 wt % zinc at the Kimberley outcrop, Gale crater, Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, 121(3):338-352, doi:10.1002/2015JE004946, 2016.
Lanza, N.L., R.C. Wiens, R.E. Arvidson, B.C. Clark, W.W. Fischer, R. Gellert, J.P. Grotzinger, J.A. Hurowitz, S.M. McLennan, R.V. Morris, M.S. Rice, J.F. Bell III, J.A. Berger, L. Blaney, N.T. Bridges, F. Calef III, J.L. Campbell, S.M. Clegg, A. Cousin, K.S. Edgett, C. Fabre, M.R. Fisk, O. Forni, J. Frydenvang, K.R. Hardy, C. Hardgrove, J.R. Johnson, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouèlic, M.C. Malin, N. Mangold, J. Martín-Torres, S. Maurice, M.J. McBride, D.W. Ming, H.E. Newsom, A.M. Ollila, V. Sautter, S. Schröder, L.M. Thompson, A.H. Treiman, S. VanBommel, D.T. Vaniman, and M.-P. Zorzano, Oxidation of manganese in an ancient aquifer, Kimberley formation, Gale crater, Mars, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(14):7398-7407, doi:10.1002/2016GL069109, 2016.
Johnson, J.R., J.F. Bell III, S. Bender, Blaney, E. Cloutis, B. Ehlmann, A. Fraeman, O. Gasnault, K. Kinch, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, E. Rampe, D. Vaniman, and R.C. Wiens, Constraints on iron sulfate and iron oxide mineralogy from ChemCam visible/near infrared reflectance spectroscopy of Mt. Sharp basal units, Gale Crater, Mars, American Mineralogist, 101(7):1501-1514, doi:10.2138/am-2016-5553, 2016.
Le Mouélic S., O. Gasnault, K.E. Herkenhoff, N.T. Bridges, Y. Langevin, N. Mangold, S. Maurice, R.C. Wiens, P. Pinet, H.E. Newsom, R.G. Deen, J.F. Bell III, J.R. Johnson, W. Rapin, B. Barraclough, L. Blaney, L. Deflores, J. Maki, M.C. Malin, R. Pérez, and M. Saccoccio, The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager at Gale crater: Review of the first year of operations on Mars, Icarus, 249:93-107, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.05.030, 2015.
Grotzinger, J.P., S. Gupta, M.C. Malin, D.M. Rubin, J. Schieber, K. Siebach, D.Y. Sumner, K.M. Stack, A.R. Vasavada, R.E. Arvidson, F. Calef III, L. Edgar, W.F. Fischer, J.A. Grant, J. Griffes, L.C. Kah, M.P. Lamb, K.W. Lewis, N. Mangold, M.E. Minitti, M. Palucis, M. Rice, R.M.E. Williams, R.A. Yingst, D. Blake, Blaney, P. Conrad, J. Crisp, W.E. Dietrich, G. Dromart, K.S. Edgett, R.C. Ewing, R. Gellert, J.A. Hurowitz, G. Kocurek, P. Mahaffy, M.J. McBride, S.M. McLennan, M. Mischna, D. Ming, R. Milliken, H. Newsom, D. Oehler, T.J. Parker, D. Vaniman, R.C. Wiens, and S.A. Wilson, Deposition, exhumation, and paleoclimate of an ancient lake deposit, Gale crater, Mars, Science, 350(6257):aac7575, doi:10.1126/science.aac7575, 2015.
Cousin, A., P.Y. Meslin, R.C. Wiens, W. Rapin, N. Mangold, C. Fabre, O. Gasnault, O. Forni, R. Tokar, A. Ollila, S. Schröder, J. Lasue, S. Maurice, V. Sautter, H. Newsom, D. Vaniman, S. Le Mouélic, D. Dyar, G. Berger, Blaney, M. Nachon, G. Dromart, N. Lanza, B. Clark, S. Clegg, W. Goetz, J. Berger, B. Barraclough, D. Delapp, and MSL Science Team, Compositions of coarse and fine particles in martian soils at Gale: A window into the production of soils, Icarus, 249:22-42, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.04.052, 2015.
Anderson, R., J.C. Bridges, A. Williams, L. Edgar, A. Ollila, J. Williams, M. Nachon, N. Mangold, M. Fisk, J. Schieber, S. Gupta, G. Dromart, R. Wiens, S. Le Mouélic, O. Forni, N. Lanza, A. Mezzacappa, V. Sautter, Blaney, B. Clark, S. Clegg, O. Gasnault, J. Lasue, R. Léveillé, E. Lewin, K.W. Lewis, S. Maurice, H. Newsom, S.P. Schwenzer, and D. Vaniman, ChemCam results from the Shaler outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars, Icarus, 249:2-21, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.07.025, 2015.
Blaney, D.L., R.C. Wiens, S. Maurice, S.M. Clegg, R.B. Anderson, L.C. Kah, S. Le Mouélic, A. Ollila, N. Bridges, R. Tokar, G. Berger, J.C. Bridges, A. Cousin, B. Clark, M.D. Dyar, P.L. King, N. Lanza, N. Mangold, P.-Y. Meslin, H. Newsom, S. Schröder, S. Rowland, J. Johnson, L. Edgar, O. Gasnault, O. Forni, M. Schmidt, W. Goetz, K. Stack, D. Sumner, M. Fisk, and M.B. Madsen, Chemistry and texture of the rocks at Rocknest, Gale Crater:Evidence for sedimentary origin and diagenetic alteration, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets, 119 (9):2109-2131, doi:10.1002/2013JE004590, 2014.
Veeder, G. J., Matson D.L., Johnson T. V., Davies A.G. and ,Blaney D.L. The polar contribution to the heat flow of Io, Icarus, In Press, Available online 2004.
Blaney, D.L., Matson, D.L., Veeder G. J., Johnson, T.V., and Davies A.G. Distribution of Thermal Emission on Io from the NIMS C3 Data Icarus (in revision) 2004.
Glenar DA, Samuelson RE, Pearl JC, Bjoraker GL, and Blaney D, Spectral imaging of martian water ice clouds and their diurnal behavior during the 1999 aphelion season (L-s=130 degrees), ICARUS, 161, 297-318, 2003.
Glenar DA, Blaney DL, Hillman JJ. AIMS: Acousto-optic imaging spectrometer for spectral mapping of solid surfaces, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 52, 389-396 2003.
Haldemann, A.C., E. Baumgartner, G. H. Bearman, L. Blaney, D. I. Brown, B. P. Dolgin, L. I. Dorsky, J. C. Mahoney, M. J. McKelvey, B. E. Pavri, G. A. Post, and E. F. Tubbs, FIDO science payload simulating the Athena payload, in press, J. Geophys. Res., Planets, 2002.
Howell RR, Spencer JR, Goguen JD, Marchis F, Prange R, Fusco T, Blaney DL, Veeder GJ, Rathbun JA, Orton GS, Grocholski AJ, Stansberry JA, Kanner GS, Hege EK, Ground-based observations of volcanism on Io in 1999 and early 2000, Geophys. Res., Planets, 106, 33129-2001.
Taylor ME, Blaney DL, and Cardell G, Elemental fractionation in ultraviolet laser ablation sampling of igneous silicate minerals relevant to Mars, APPL SURF SCI, 165, 166-177, 2000.
Smrekar S., D. Catling, R. Lorenz, J. Magalhaes, J. Moersch, P. Morgan, J. Murphy, B. Murray, M. Presley-Holloway, A. Yen, A. Zen, and Blaney, Deep Space 2: The Mars Microprobe Mission, JGR , 27013-27030, 1999.
Blaney, D. L., J.D. Goguen, T.V. Johnson, D. L. Matson, G. J. Veeder, and J. Spencer, Ios Variability between 1-20 mm, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 2459-2462, 1997.
Hanner MS, Lynch DK, Russell RW, Hackwell JA, Kellogg R, Blaney D, Mid-infrared spectra of comets P/Borrelly, P/Faye, and P/Schaumasse, Icarus, 124, 344-351, 1996.
Matson, D. L., T. V. Johnson, L. Blaney, and G. J. Veeder, Ground-based Observations of Io, I.U.G.G.Reviews of Geophiscs, 505-508 , 1995.
Johnson, T.V, D.L. Matson, L. Blaney, G. J. Veeder, and A.G. Davies, Stealth Plumes on Io,22,3293-4396, Geophys. Res. Letters, 1995.
Blaney, D.L., T.V. Johnson, D.L. Matson, and G.J. Veeder, Volcanic Eruptions on Io: Heat Flow, Resurfacing, and Lava Composition, Icarus, 113, 220-225, 1995.
Blaney, D.B. and T.B. McCord, Indications of Sulfate Minerals in Mars Soil from Earth based Spectroscopy, Geophys. Res, 100, 14,433-14,441, 1995.
Veeder, G. J., D. L. Matson, T. V. Johnson, L. Blaney, and J.G. Goguen, Io Infrared Radiometry: 1983-1993, J. Geophys. Res., Planets, 99, 17095-17162, 1994.
Blaney, D.L., and T.B. McCord, An observational search for carbonates on Mars, of Geophys. Res. 94, 10, 159-10, 166, 1989.