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Diogo Henrique Francis De Souza

Photo of Diogo Henrique Francis De Souza


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Origin of the Universe

JPL Postdoc


Postdoc at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA


  • PhD, Cosmology, IFT-Unesp / ICTP-SAIFR, Brazil (2024)
  • M.S, Astrophysics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2020)
  • B.S. Physics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil (2018)

Professional Experience

  • Visiting scholar at Stony Brook University, New York, U.S. (2023-24).
  • Tutor of the minicourse: “The Accelerated Expansion of the Universe and the Cosmological Parameters” at IFT-Unesp, (2023).
  • Member of the organizer committee of the 44th edition of the “Paulo Leal Ferreira Congress” at IFT-Unesp (2021).

Community Service

I was a Physics teacher volunteer in 2022 for six months at “Psico”, a non-profit college-prep school located at the University of Sao Paulo, intended for low-income students who wanted to do the High School National Exam (ENEM).

Research Interests

Research interests rely on investigating dark energy models for the accelerated expansion of the universe, dark matter, and possible interactions between dark energy and dark matter. Use Roman to probe dark energy with systematics and non-linear scales. End-to-end weak lensing infrastructure and pipeline development. Type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, cosmic microwave background, weak lensing, large-scale structure, and combinations among these datasets to investigate extension beyond the standard cosmological model. Observational cosmology, modified gravity, and effective theories of large-scale structure.

Selected Awards

  • Book Access Scholarship Bernardo Alvares, Federal University of Minas Gerais (2016).
  • 2nd place on Brazilian Olympiad of Astronomy and Astronautics IOBFOG - Category 3, Brazilian Astronomical Society and Brazilian Agency (2007).

Selected Publications

  1. Constraints on the total neutrino masses with late-time expansion marginalization. de Souza, Diogo H. F.; Miranda, Vivian; - in preparation.
  2. Early dark energy constraints with late-time expansion marginalization. Rebou¸cas, Jo˜ao; Gordon, Jonathan; de Souza, Diogo H. F.; Zhong, Kunhao; Miranda, Vivian; Rosenfeld, Rogerio; Eifler, Tim; Krause, Elisabeth. arXiv: 2302.07333
  3. Can neutrino-assisted early dark energy models ameliorate the H0 tension in a natural way? de Souza, Diogo H. F.; Rosenfeld, Rogerio. arXiv:2302.04644
  4. IAU Symposium 359 Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Di↵erent Environments (GALFEED), International Astronomical Union Proceedings Series: De Souza, D., & Santiago, B. (2020). Cosmological forecasts from photometric measurements of the angular correlation function for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 15(S359), 46-48. doi:10.1017/S1743921320001878
  5. MSc Dissertation: Formalism for the determination of precision Formalismo para determina¸c˜ao da precis˜ao de parˆametros cosmol´ogicos a partir da an´alise da fun¸c˜ao de correla¸c˜ao angular Summary: Analysis of the formalism to obtain estimates of the precision for cosmological parameters that a given future photometric survey has the potential to constrain. Key words: Angular correlation function, angular power spectra, covariance matrix, Fisher matrix, galaxy distribution function, peculiar velocity, redshift space distortion, Feldman, Kaiser & Peacock estimator. Link: