4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109Dr. Klaus Pontoppidan is known for his extensive work on the evolution of water and other volatiles, from ices in the interstellar medium to rocky planet-forming regions around young stars, to understand the origins of exoplanetary atmospheres. To this end, he has contributed to the development of infrared spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation. He is highly active in JWST observing programs, including co-leading the JDISC Survey of protoplanetary disk chemistry. He worked on the NIRSpec and MIRI instrument ground systems, developed the JWST Exposure Time Calculator and served as JWST Project Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute for 8 years through launch and commissioning. Pontoppidan has also made significant contributions to public outreach, including as the PI of the first color images from JWST.