ACES Atomic clock in Ensemble in Space (ACES) is an ESA ultra-stable clock experiment, a time and frequency mission to be flown on the Columbus module of the ISS (International Space Station), in support of fundamental physics tests.
Airships NASA is considering a stratospheric airship challenge to incentivize the demonstration of a long duration scientific platform for both Earth and space sciences.
CLASH Cluster Lensing And Supernova Survey with Hubble (CLASH) - An Innovative Survey to Place New Constraints on the Fundamental Components of the Cosmos using the Hubble Space Telescope
Euclid Euclid is a mission designed to study "dark energy", the hypothesized cause of the Universe's accelerated expansion. I am a member of the NASA-funded Euclid Science Team.
Herschel The Herschel Space Observatory was a space-based telescope that studied the Universe in the light of the far-infrared and submillimeter portions of the spectrum.
JWST - James Webb Space Telescope The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large, infrared-optimized space telescope, scheduled for launch in 2018.
Kepler The Kepler Mission, NASA's mission to find how many potentially habitable exoplanets exist, launched in 2009 and is now finding thousands of exoplanet candidates.
MicroSCOPE MicroSCOPE (Micro-Satellite à traînée Compensée pour l'Observation du Principe d'Equivalence) is an approved CNES/ESA gravity-research minisatellite mission, The objective is to conduct a fundamental physics experiment, namely to test the ...
NEO Surveyor NEO Surveyor is a new mission proposal designed to discover and characterize most of the potentially hazardous asteroids that are near the Earth.
NEOWISE The NEOWISE project is the asteroid-hunting portion of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. NEOWISE harvests measurements of asteroids and comets from the WISE images and provides a rich archive for searching WISE data for solar...
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a NASA observatory designed to unravel the secrets of dark energy and dark matter, search for and image exoplanets, and explore many topics in infrared astrophysics.
NuSTAR NuSTAR, launched in June 2012, is a pathfinder mission that has opened the high energy X-ray sky to sensitive study for the first time.
OMEGA Explorer Using strong lensing to study the nature of Dark Matter. I am the Principal Investigator of the OMEGA mission concept.
Planck Planck is the first European mission to study the birth of the Universe. Planck was launched on May 14, 2009.
SOFIA SOFIA is the largest airborne observatory in the world; SOFIA's instruments - cameras, spectrometers, and photometers - operate in the near-, mid- and far-infrared wavelengths.
Spitzer The Spitzer Space Telescope (formerly SIRTF, the Space Infrared Telescope Facility) was launched into space by a Delta rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida on 25 August 2003.
WISE Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a four-channel, super-cooled infrared telescope designed to survey the entire sky with 1,000 times more sensitivity than previous infrared missions.