The Aerosol and Cloud Science Group's primary research objective is to understand fundamental processes relating to atmospheric aerosols, clouds, and their interactions, as well as their influences on the weather and climate systems.
The main science questions our group is focused to addressing include:
Aerosols And Clouds: Missions and Projects
The group works on operating and developing remote sensing instrumentation for aerosol and cloud measurements, as well as theoretical and computational radiative transfer modeling, and retrievals of aerosol and cloud properties. The main JPL missions of the group are: Terra satellite’s Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) experiment and Airborne Multiangle Spectro-Polarimetric Imager (AirMSPI). In addition, members of the group are actively conduct research for various satellite missions and projects including Aura MLS, CloudSat, and CALIPSO. These missions and projects provide key measurements of physical properties of different types of aerosols and clouds, and help scientists to study the radiative processes and feedbacks of these aerosols and clouds.
For more information, please see:
The scientists and technical staffs of the group are leading experts in several important areas related to atmospheric aerosols and clouds: