4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 233-300
Thomas Kurosu is a member of the Tropospheric Composition Group in the Earth Science Section at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He recently joined the OCO-3 team for the realization of CO2 observations from the International Space Station, where he develops automated approaches for the pointing operations of the instrument. Thomas is actively involved in the retrieval of atmospheric trace gases related to air quality and ozone depletion from satellite and aircraft instruments, where is expertise lies in the development of spectral retrieval algorithms. His past research activities include the retrieval of greenhouse gases in the Alaskan Arctic from the aircraft-based near-IR CARVE-FTS, satellite-based cloud detection, and cloud radiative transfer. He is also involved in projects studying tropospheric ozone observation and the development of a long-term data record of chlorophyll fluorescence. One of his pet projects is the development of a tessellation tool for smart data mapping and data averaging..