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Erone Ghizoni Dos Santos

Photo of Erone Ghizoni Dos Santos


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Carbon Cycle And Ecosystems


Dr. Erone Ghizoni dos Santos is a Postdoctoral Fellow at JPL in the Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems group. His PhD work involved the effects of human-induced disturbances on tropical forests’ structure and microclimate temperature in Southeast Asia. Before that, Erone worked with forest biomass estimation using remote sensing technologies like LiDAR and orbital imagery. At JPL, he collaborates on developing a service to measure changes in forest carbon stocks due to land use activities, including deforestation, degradation, and regeneration in the Brazilian Amazon. Passionate about remote sensing and forest management, he actively participates in research projects, aiming to advance sustainable forestry practices globally and improve carbon estimation methods.


  • B.S. in Forest Engineering, University of Santa Catarina State - Brazil (2014)
  • M.Sc. in Remote Sensing, National Institute for Space Research - Brazil (2018)
  • Ph.D. in Geosciences, University of Helsinki - Finland (2024)

Professional Experience

  • NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2024 - Present)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

  • University of Helsinki (2020 - 2024)

PhD Researcher

  • University of Leicester (2019-2019)

Researcher Assistant

Research Interests

  • Global Forest Carbon and Active Remote Sensing
  • Tropical Forest Degradation and Land Use Change.
  • Climate Extremes and Impacts on Vegetation Structure
  • Forest Microclimate

Selected Awards

  • The Len Curtis Award - The best scientific paper published in the open literature of remote sensing in 2019.

Selected Publications

Articles Peer-reviewed

  1. SANTOS, E. G.; ISMAEEL, A.; HEVEAKORE, M.; ALTMAN J.; DOLEŽAL J; SAM K.; KOPECKÝ, M.; SVÁTEK, M.; SENIOR, R.; MATULA, R.; PLICHTA, R.; ESTOQUE, R. MAEDA, E. E. Mapping thermal microrefugia in Southeast Asia: the new critical areas to mitigate the effect of global warming on tropical forests microclimate. Environmental Research Letters, 2024 (submitted)
  2. SANTOS, E. G.; SVÁTEK, M.; NUNES, M. H.; AALTO, J.; SENIOR, R.; MATULA, R.; PLICHTA, R.; MAEDA, E. E. The impacts of canopy structural traits under varying disturbance levels on tropical forest microclimates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2024
  3. ISMAEEL, A.; Tai A.; DOLEZAL, J.; LEMBRECHTS, J.; CAMARGO, J. L.; NASCIMENTO, L.; AALTO, I.; SAM, K.; SANTOS E. G.; SVÁTEK, M.; NUNES, M. H.; AALTO, J.; MATULA, R.; PLICHTA, R.; ABERA, T.; MAEDA, E. Patterns of tropical forest understory temperatures. Nature Communication, 2024
  4. JIA J.; HUGHES, A. C.; NUNES, M. H.; SANTOS, E. G.; PELLIKKA, P. K. E.; KALLIOVIRTA, L.; MWANG’OMBE, J.; MAEDA, E. E. Forest structural and microclimatic patterns across an elevational gradient in Mount Kenya. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023. (submitted)
  5. SANTOS, E. G.; NUNES, M. H.; JACKSON, T.; MAEDA, E. E. Quantifying Tropical Forest Disturbances Using Canopy Structural Traits Derived from Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022.
  6. MOURA Y. M.; BALZTER H.; GALVÃO L.S.; DALAGNOL R.; ESPÍRITO-SANTO F.; SANTOS, E. G.; MARIANO GARCIA BISPO P. C.; OLIVEIRA R. C.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E. Carbon Dynamics in a Human-Modified Tropical Forest: A Case Study Using Multi-Temporal LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 2020
  7. SANTOS, E. G.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; MOURA Y. M.; GONÇALVES F. G.; JORGE A.; GASPARINI, K.; ARAI E.; DUARTE, V.; OMETTO J. P. Multi-scale approach to estimate aboveground biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using Landsat and LiDAR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019.
  8. SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; ARAI E.; DUARTE, V.; JORGE A.; SANTOS, E. G.; GASPARINI, K.; DUTRA A. C. Monitoring Deforestation and Forest Degradation Using Multi-Temporal Fraction Images Derived from Landsat Sensor Data in the Brazilian Amazon. IJRS - International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019.
  9. SOARES, P. R. C.; OLIVEIRA, G. S.; SILVA J. P.; FERRARI, L. H.; SANTOS, E. G.; KANIESKI, M. R.; SAMPIETRO, J. A. Competitiveness of wood pulp in the international Market. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2018.

Articles published in annals of events

  1. SANTOS, E. G.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; JORGE, A.; GASPARINI, K.; MOURA, Y. M.; ARAI, E.; DUARTE, V.; Estimativa de biomassa em floresta degradada na região central do Estado do Mato Grosso a partir de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto. In XIX Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2019, Santos – SP.
  2. DUTRA, A. C.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; ARAI, E.; DUARTE, V.; GASPARINI, K. A. C.; SANTOS, E. G. Imagens fração derivadas das imagens PROBA-V para mapear o uso e cobertura da terra no Estado do Mato Grosso, 2019. In XIX Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2019, Santos – SP.
  3. SANTOS, E. G; NEGRÃO, P.; SOTHE, C.; GERENTE, J.; MIGUEL, B.H.; Avaliação de Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT) e declividade utilizando diferentes interpoladores a partir de dados LiDAR. In CBC Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia, 2017.
  4. SANTOS, E. G.; GERENTE, J.; NEGRÃO, P.; MIGUEL, B. H. Avaliação da regeneração natural em cicatrizes de movimentos de massa na serra do mar paranaense a partir de índices de vegetação. In CBC Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia, 2017.
  5. SANTOS, E. G.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; ARAI E.; Duarte, V., JORGE A.; GASPARINI, K. Multi-stage approach to estimate forest biomass in degraded area by fire and selective logging. In AGU - American Geophysical Union, 2017.
  6. SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; ARAI E.; SANTOS, E. G.; JORGE, A. Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation using multi-temporal fraction images derived from Landsat TM data in the Brazilian Amazon. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
  7. SANTOS, E. G.; JORGE, A.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; GONCALVES, F. G. Estimativa de biomassa acima do solo para uma área queimada e uma área de corte seletivo no município de Feliz Natal - MT por meio de dados LiDAR In: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2017, Santos – SP.
  8. JORGE, A.; SANTOS, E. G.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; MOREIRA, M. A. Potencial das imagens Landsat – OLI e RapidEye para identificar áreas de degradação florestal em Querência e Canarana – MT comparadas com imagens LiDAR In: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2017, Santos – SP.
  9. RICKEN, P.; MINATTI, M.; HESS, A. F.; SANTOS, E.; BOING FILHO, V. Dendrocronologia Aplicada ao Estudo da Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze em Povoamento natural no município de Lages, SC. In: International Workshop of Tropical Dendrochronology, 2013, Lavras, MG. International Workshop of Tropical Dendrochronology, 2013.

Chapters published

  1. SHIMABUKURO Y. E.; ARAI E.; SANTOS E. G.; CASSOL H. L. G.; SATO L. Y. Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Changes and Biomass Estimation in The Amazon Biome Using Multisensor Data. Comprehensive Remote Sensing, Second edition Remote Sensing Applications2023 (in prep.)
  2. JORGE, A.; SANTOS E. G.; SHIMABUKURO, Y. E.; MOREIRA, M. A. Comparison of two different spatial resolutions orbital images and lidar to identify forest degraded areas. In: Estudos sobre Sensoriamento Remoto, Cartografia e Geoprocessamento – Volume 1, 2021. doi: 10.36229/978-65-5866-087-3.CAP.03.
  3. MINATTI, M.; HESS, A. F.; RICKEN, P.; INKOTTE, J.; SANTOS, E. Ajuste de Relação H/D para Araucaria angustifolia no Planalto Catarinense - SC. In: Atualidades em Mensuração Florestal.1, 2014, v.1, p. 318-321. ISBN: 9788591735709