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B. Jack Pan

Photo of B. Jack Pan


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109


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Member of:

Water & Ecosystems

Postdoctoral Researcher


  • B.S., Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of California Irvine (2013)
  • M.S., Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
  • Ph.D., Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

Research Interests

Remote sensing, data science, ocean optics, bio-optics, phytoplankton ecology, and advancing the state-of-art of marine technology to facilitate the big-data paradigm shift in ocean science.

I leverage a multidisciplinary method combining field work, remote sensing, numerical models, data science and machine learning. My research primarily focuses on the polar regions/high-latitude environments, land-ice-ocean boundary environments, high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll regions, particularly the Southern Ocean.

Selected Awards

  • The Antarctica Service Medal (2016)

Selected Publications

  1. Pan, B.J. (2020) “The Impact of Seasonal Environmental Variables on Phytoplankton Ecology at the Antarctic Ice-Ocean Boundary: Studies through Field Work, Numerical Models, Data Science and Machine Learning. Doctorate Dissertation. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.
  2. Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Manck, L., Forsch, K., Ekern, L., Mascioni, M., Barbeau, K, Almandoz, G., and Orona, A.J. (2020) “Environmental Drivers of Phytoplankton Taxonomic Composition in an Antarctic Fjord.” Progress in Oceanography 183: 102295.
  3. Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Reynolds, R.A., and Mitchell, B.G. (2019) “The optical and biological properties of glacial meltwater in an Antarctic fjord.” PLOS ONE 14(2): e0211107.
  4. Mascioni, M., Almandoz, G.O., Ekern, L., Pan, B.J. and Vernet, M. (2021). Microplanktonic diatom assemblages dominated the primary production but not the biomass in an Antarctic fjord. Journal of Marine Systems, p.103624
  5. Gierach, M., Holt, B., Trinh R., Pan, B., and Rains, C. (2016) “Satellite Detection of Wastewater Diversion Plumes in Southern California.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:171-82.