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Jake Reschke

Photo of Jake Reschke


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Aerosols And Clouds


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I completed my undergraduate in physics and masters in mathematics at Cal State Northridge, where I researched geometric aspects of inflationary cosmological models in general relativity. During my PhD studies in mathematics I investigated the dynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems, in particular the effects of disorder on the dynamics of quantum spin systems. Most recently, I have come to JPL to work on physical and numerical aspects of climate modeling. I am interested in exploring machine learning and data science applications to climate science.


  • Ph.D., mathematics, UC Davis (2021)
  • M.S., mathematics, Cal State Northridge (2016)
  • B.S., physics, Cal State Northridge (2014)

Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA JIFRESSE, affiliated with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena (Oct 2021 - Present)
  • Visiting Student Researcher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena (Apr 2021 - Oct 2021)
  • Graduate Student Researcher, UC Davis (2016 - 2021)
  • Associate Instructor/Teaching Assistant, UC Davis (2016 - 2021)
  • Teaching Assistant, CSU Northridge (2014 - 2016)
  • Student Intern, AECOM Environment, Camarillo, CA (2011-2013)

Research Interests

  • Numerical aspects of climate modeling
  • Modeling of turbulent atmospheric processes
  • Machine learning and data science applications to climate modeling

Selected Awards

  • William Karl Schwarze Scholarship in Mathematics, UC Davis Math Department (2019)
  • Nathan O. Freedman Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, CSU Northridge (2016)

Selected Publications

  1. Nachtergaele, B., Reschke, J., “Slow propagation in some disordered quantum spin chains”, J. Stat. Phys. 182, 12 (2021
  2. Gebert, M., Nachtergaele, B., Reschke, J., Sims, R., “Lieb-Robinson bounds and strongly continuous dynamics for a class of many-body fermion systems in ℝd”, Ann. Henri Poincuré 21, 3609-3637 (2020)
  3. Klein, D., Reschke, J., “Pre-big bang geometric extensions of inflationary cosmologies”, Ann. Henri Poincuré 19, 565-606 (2018)
  4. Klein, D. Reschke, J., “Velocity addition formulas in Robertson-Walker spacetimes”, J. Math. Phys. 56, 72501 (2015)