4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 300-323
Pasadena, CA 91109Caltech/JPL
Hi! I’m a Physical Oceanographer interested in understanding the upper ocean processes and air-sea interaction using observational data from several platforms like moorings, remote-sensing satellites research ships and reanalysis. During my PhD, I have been on a few research cruises in the Bay of Bengal (basin in the northern India Ocean). The sea-going experience made me fall in love with the ocean and inspired me to continue to work with ocean observations. I’m excited to join Dr. Severine Fournier’s group at JPL and work on the linkages between global coastal sea surface salinity and the hydrological cycle. Prior to JPL, I worked as NRC postdoctoral researcher at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). My research at PMEL was focused on understanding: (i) Mixed layer response to post-monsoon cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and, (ii) Coastal salinity variability in the south Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.