4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109Dr. Chouza received his Electronic Engineer degree from the University of Buenos Aires in 2012. Meanwhile, he worked on the development of lidar systems for atmospheric observations at the Lidar division of CITEDEF. In 2013, he received a scholarship from DAAD to pursue a PhD degree at DLR (German Aerospace Center). His research focused on the study on Saharan dust long-range transport based on airborne Doppler wind lidar measurements conducted in the frame of the SALTRACE campaign. After completing his PhD, Dr. Chouza continued his research on dust long-range transport at the University of Vienna. Since 2017, he works at the atmospheric lidar group of the JPL Table Mountain Facility. Currently, his work focuses on the use of near-ground ozone and aerosol lidar measurements for air quality studies and model evaluation.
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