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MLS - Microwave Limb Sounder

MLS - Microwave Limb Sounder Project Logo

The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) experiments measure naturally-occurring microwave thermal emission from the limb (edge) of Earth's atmosphere to remotely sense vertical profiles of atmospheric gases, temperature, pressure, and cloud ice. The overall objective of these experiments is to provide information that will help improve our understanding of Earth's atmosphere and global change.

The first MLS experiment in space (UARS MLS) was operational on NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) from Sept 1991 until March 2000.

The second (MLS) is on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura mission launched 15 July 2004. As of early 2021, more than 16 years since launch, Aura MLS data have been used in more than 1100 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including many in high-profile journals. These papers describe research into ozone layer recovery, climate change, air quality, and the many interactions among these topics.


Photo of Brian Drouin
Brian Drouin
Earth Science - Deputy Section Manager
Photo of Lucien Froidevaux
Lucien Froidevaux
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Ryan Fuller
Ryan Fuller
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Jonathan Jiang
Jonathan Jiang
Aerosols And Clouds - Group Supervisor, Senior Research Scientist
Photo of Brian Knosp
Brian Knosp
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Alyn Lambert
Alyn Lambert
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Nathaniel Livesey
Nathaniel Livesey
Earth Science - Assistant Section Manager, Principal Investigator, Aura Microwave Limb Sounder
Photo of Luis Millán
Luis Millán
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Kazuyuki Miyazaki
Kazuyuki Miyazaki
Tropospheric Composition - Scientist
Photo of Jessica Neu
Jessica Neu
Science Division - Assistant Division Manager
Photo of William Read
William Read
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere
Photo of Michelle Santee
Michelle Santee
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere - Group Supervisor
Photo of Michael Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Stratosphere And Upper Troposphere