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Audrey Delpech

Photo of Audrey Delpech


4800 Oak Grove Drive

M/S 300-323

Pasadena, CA 91109

Member of:

Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction

JPL Postdoctoral Fellow

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Audrey holds an Engineering Diploma from Ecole des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA) and a Master degree from Ecole Polytechnique on Climate sciences and renewable energies. She conducted a PhD on ocean dynamics and its role in the climate system using multiple approaches and tools including modelling, observations and theory.


  • 2021 : PhD “Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate”, Toulouse University, France
  • 2017: MSc. “Water, Air, Pollution and Renewable Energies”, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
  • 2017 : Engineering Diploma, ENSTA Paris, France

Professional Experience

  • 2021-2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  • 2017-2019 Consultant – CLS, Toulouse, France
  • 2017 Research and Development Intern – CLS, Toulouse, France
  • 2015 Research Intern – Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany.
  • 2015 Research Intern – The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus

Community Service

  • Co-organization of a Summer School on Climate dynamics, Ecole de Physique des Houches, France, July 2021.
  • Chair of the Low-Latitude dynamics session at the Ocean Sciences Conference, 2022.
  • Reviewer for international journals.

Research Interests

  • Climate system
  • Ocean dynamics
  • Modelling
  • Remote sensing

Selected Awards

  • 2019: Outstanding Presentation, European Geophysical Union
  • 2022: André Prud’homme award for PhD thesis, French Meteorological and Climate Society
  • 2023: Picot de Lapeyrouse award for PhD thesis, Science Academy of Toulouse

Selected Publications

  1. Delpech, A., Barkan, R., McWilliams, J., Srinivasan, K., Siyanbola, O., Buijsman, M., Arbic, B. Eddy-Internal Wave interaction processes and their contribution to the energy cascade in the California Current, submitted.
  2. Delpech, A., Barkan, R., Renault, L., McWilliams, J., Siyanbola, O. Q., Buijsman, M. C., & Arbic, B. K. (2023). Wind-current feedback is an energy sink for oceanic internal waves. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 5915.
  3. Siyanbola, O., Buijsman M., Delpech, A., Renault, L., Barkan, R., Shriver, J., Arbic, B., McWilliams, J. et al. (2022). Remote internal wave forcing of regional ocean simulations near the U.S. West Coast. Ocean Modelling, p. 102154.
  4. Delpech, A., Ménesguen, C., Morel, Y., Thomas, L., Marin, F., Cravatte, S., Le Gentil, S. (2021). Intra-annual waves destabilization as a potential driver of the deep low-latitude zonal jets - Barotropic dynamics. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(2): 365-384.
  5. Assene, F., Morel, Y., Delpech, A., Aguedjou, M. et al. (2020). From Mixing to the Large Scale Circulation: How the Inverse Cascade Is Involved in the Formation of the Subsurface Currents in the Gulf of Guinea. Fluids, 5, 147.
  6. Delpech, A., Cravatte, S., Marin, F., Morel, Y., Ménesguen, C. (2020). Deep Eddy Kinetic Energy in the tropical Pacific from Lagrangian floats. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016313.
  7. Delpech, A., Conchon, A., Titaud, O., Lehodey, P. (2020). Influence of oceanic conditions in the energy transfer efficiency estimation of a micronekton model, Biogeosciences, 17, 833–850.
  8. Delpech, A., Cravatte, S., Marin, F., Morel, Y., Gronchi, E., Kestenare, E. (2020) Observed tracer fields structuration by mid-depth zonal jets in the tropical Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(2), 281–304.
  9. Ménesguen, C., Delpech, A., Marin, F., Cravatte, S., Schopp, R., Morel, Y. (2019). Observations and mechanisms for the formation of deep equatorial and tropical circulation. Earth and Space Science, 6, 370– 386.
  10. Lehodey, P., Titaud, O., Delpech, A.. Conchon, A. (2018). Optimal design of ecosystem module. AtlantOS D5.5, 29 pp. .5
