4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 300-323
Pasadena, CA 91109Caltech/JPL
I am a physical and biogeochemical oceanographer and modeler working on the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean – Darwin (ECCO-Darwin) model. I obtained a PhD from La Rochelle University, France in 2023 and moved to JPL to continue my work with the ECCO-Darwin team. I am interested in modeling the carbon cycle and the ecosystem of the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean. I focus on the fate of territorial organic matter (from river export, erosion or glacier runoff) and estimate the impact on coastal air-sea CO2 fluxes. I further use data from high resolution mission as SWOT and PACE to estimate the effect of mesoscale dynamics on such processes. Finally, I also use ECCO-Darwin to explore the effect of decreasing Last Ice Area (LIA) on the Arctic Ocean food web.
Arctic Ocean; carbon cycle; land-ocean interface; colored dissolved organic matter; air-sea CO2 fluxes; modeling; mesoscale dynamics