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Clement Bertin

Photo of Clement Bertin


4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 300-323

Pasadena, CA 91109

Member of:

Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction

JPL Postdoctoral Fellow

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My name is Clément Bertin and I am coming from France. I have just graduated from a Phd from La Rochelle University in France. My Phd thesis was focused on modelling the impact of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Mackenzie River (NWT, Canada) on the air-sea CO2 flux in Beaufort Sea coastal region. I join the ECCO group at JPL to pursue this work on ECCO-Darwin and study the influence of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and particular organic carbon (POC) from coastal erosion. I will also study the effect of subglacial discharge on the coastal air-sea CO2 flux of the Lincoln Sea (Northern Greenland).


  • Ph.D., Earth and Fluid Envelopes, La Rochelle Université, France. (2023)
  • Dipl. Ing., Hydrography and Oceanography, École Nationale des Techniques Avancées (ENSTA) Bretagne, France. (2019)
  • M.S., Ocean and Climate Physics, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), France. (2019)
  • M.S., Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography, Aix-Marseille Université, France. (2017)
  • B.S., Physics, Université de Bordeaux, France. (2016)

Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral fellow, La Rochelle Université, France. (2023)

Research Interests

My research focuses on the fate of territorial organic matter in the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean. I use ECCO-Darwin ocean/biogeochemical/sea-ice model to study the effect of terrestrial input from rivers, coastal erosion and glacier discharge on the marine carbon cycle and the air-sea CO2 fluxes.

Selected Awards

  • Arctic Frontier 2022 outstanding poster award (APECS)

Selected Publications

  1. Bertin, C., Carroll, D., Menemenlis, D., Dutkiewicz, S., Zhang, H., Matsuoka, A., Tank, S., Manizza, M., Babin, M., Miller, C.E., Mangin, A. & Le Fouest, V. (2023) Biogeochemical river runoff drives intense coastal Arctic Ocean outgassing. Geophysical Research Letters
  2. Bertin, C., Matsuoka, A., Mangin, A., Babin, M. & Le Fouest, V. (2022) Merging satellite and in situ data to assess the flux of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon from the Mackenzie River to the coastal Beaufort Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.694062
  3. Panieri, G., Bünz, S., Savini, A., Jensen, A., Løfquist, B., Runar, Olsen B.R., Willis, C., Argentino, C., Bertin, C., Oddone, D., ..., Dyrved, Holm V. (2022). CAGE22-2 Scientific Cruise Report: AKMA 2/Ocean Senses CAGE22-2 Scientific Cruise Report: AKMA 2/Ocean Senses. doi: 10.7557/cage.6755
