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Elyse Pennington

Photo of Elyse Pennington


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Tropospheric Composition

Postdoctoral Researcher


Elyse was born and raised in the greater LA region and focused her PhD research on understanding air quality in the LA Basin. She used chemical transport models to understand pollutant formation, focusing specifically on updating the chemical mechanism to represent organic aerosol and ozone formation from consumer product emissions. At JPL, she aims to understand global ozone formation by analyzing regional ozone trends using satellite products from the TROPESS project combined with data assimilation results.


  • B.S., Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College, 2017
  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2022
  • Minor, Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2022

Professional Experience

  • Science and Technology Policy Fellow, California Council on Science and Technology, 2022-2023
  • JPL Visiting Student Researcher Program, 329J – Aerosols and Clouds, 2019-2022
  • EPA Graduate Student Researcher, Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols Branch, 2020
  • JPL Summer Intern, 382B – Imaging Spectroscopy, 2014 & 2015

Research Interests

  • Global and regional ozone trends
  • Chemical transport models
  • Data assimilation
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Atmospheric aerosols

Selected Publications

  1. Boynard, A., Wespes, C., Hadji-Lazaro, J., Sinnathamby, S., Hurtmans, D., Coheur, P.-F., Doutriaux Boucher, M., Onderwaater, J., Steinbrecht, W., Pennington, E. A., Bowman, K., and Clerbaux, C. Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR): ozone trends from the IASI Climate Data Record (CDR). In prep.
  2. Schulze, B. C., Kenseth, C. M., Ward, R. X., Pennington, E. A., Seltzer, K. M., Van Rooy, P., Tasnia, A., Barletta, B., Meinardi, S., Morris, M. A., Jensen, A. R., Huang, Y., Parker, H. A., Hasheminassab, S., Day, D. A., Campuzano-Jost, P., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J. L., Blake, D. R., Barsanti, K. C., Pye, H. O. T., Crounse, J. D., Wennberg, P. O., & Seinfeld, J. H. The complex effects of reduced mobile source emissions on submicron particulate matter concentrations in Los Angeles. In prep.
  3. Pennington, E. A., Osterman, G. B., Payne, V. H., Miyazaki, K., Bowman, K. W., and Neu, J. L. (2024). Quantifying biases in TROPESS AIRS, CrIS, and joint AIRS+OMI tropospheric ozone products using ozonesondes, EGUsphere [preprint],
  4. Hickman, S. H. M., Kelp, M., Griffiths, P. T., Doerksen, K., Miyazaki, K., Pennington, E. A., Koren, G., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Schultz, M. G., Chang, K.-L., Cooper, O. R., Archibald, A. T., Sommariva, R., Carlson, D., Wang, H., West, J. J., and Liu, Z. (2024). Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Tropospheric Ozone Research, EGUsphere [preprint],
  5. De Haan, D. O., Hawkins, L. N., Pennington, E. A., Welsh, H. G., Rodriguez, A. A., Symons, M. A., Andretta, A. D., Rafla, M. A., Le, C., De Haan, A. C., Cui, T., Surratt, J. D., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Doussin, J.-F. (2024). Kinetics and Oligomer Products of the Multiphase Reactions of Hydroxyacetone with Atmospheric Amines, Ammonium Sulfate, and Cloud Processing. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 8 (12), 2574-2586.
  6. Cooper, O.R., Chang, K.-L., Bates, K., Brown, S. S., Chace, W. S., Coggon, M. M., Gorchov Negron, A. M., Middlebrook, A. M., Peischl, J., Piasecki, A., Schafer, N., Stockwell, C. E., Wang, S., Warneke, C., Zuraski, K., Miyazaki, K., Payne, V. H., Pennington, E. A., Worden, J. R., Bowman, K. W., & McDonald, B. C. (2024). Early-season 2023 wildfires generated record-breaking surface ozone anomalies across the U.S. Upper Midwest. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL111481.
  7. Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Pennington, E. A., He, L., Yang, J., Yu, X., Liu, Y., & Seinfeld, J. H. (2024). Short-lived air pollutants and climate forcers through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reviews of Geophysics, 62, e2022RG000773.
  8. Pennington, E. A., Wang, Y., Schulze, B. C., Seltzer, K. M., Yang, J., Zhao, B., Jiang, Z., Venecek, M., Chau, D., Murphy, B. N., Kenseth, C. M., Ward, R. X., Pye, H. O. T., & Seinfeld, J. H. (2024). An Updated Modeling Framework to Simulate Los Angeles Air Quality – Part 1: Model Development, Evaluation, and Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 2345–2363.
  9. De Haan, D. O., Hawkins, L. N., Wickremasinghe, P. D., Andretta, A. D., Dignum, J. R., De Haan, A. C., Welsh, H. G., Pennington, E. A., Cui, T., Surratt, J. D., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., & Doussin, J.-F. (2023). Brown Carbon from Photo-Oxidation of Glyoxal and SO2 in Aqueous Aerosol. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7 (5), 1131-1140.
  10. Rodriguez, A. A., Rafla, M. A., Welsh, H. G., Pennington, E. A., Casar, J. R., Hawkins, L. N., Jimenez, N. G., de Loera, A., Stewart, D. R., Rojas, A., Tran, M.-K., Lin, P., Laskin, A., Formenti, P., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Doussin, J.-F., & De Haan, D. O. (2022). Kinetics, Products, and Brown Carbon Formation by Aqueous-Phase Reactions of Glycolaldehyde with Atmospheric Amines and Ammonium Sulfate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126 (32), 5375-5385.
  11. Pennington, E. A., Seltzer, K. M., Murphy, B. N., Qin, M., Seinfeld, J. H., & Pye, H. O. T. (2021). Modeling secondary organic aerosol formation from volatile chemical products. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(24), 18247–18261.
  12. Seltzer, K. M., Murphy, B. N., Pennington, E. A., Allen, C., Talgo, K., & Pye, H. O. T. (2021). Volatile Chemical Product Enhancements to Criteria Pollutants in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology.
  13. Seltzer, K. M., Pennington, E., Rao, V., Murphy, B. N., Strum, M., Isaacs, K. K., & Pye, H. O. T. (2021). Reactive organic carbon emissions from volatile chemical products. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(6), 5079–5100.
  14. Yang, J., Wen, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Pinto, J. P., Pennington, E. A., Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Sander, S. P., Jiang, J. H., Hao, J., Yung, Y. L., & Seinfeld, J. H. (2021). From COVID-19 to future electrification: Assessing traffic impacts on air quality by a machine-learning model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(26).
  15. De Haan, D. O., Hawkins, L. N., Welsh, H. G., Pednekar, R., Casar, J. R., Pennington, E. A., de Loera, A., Jimenez, N. G., Symons, M. A., Zauscher, M., Pajunoja, A., Caponi, L., Cazaunau, M., Formenti, P., Gratien, A., Pangui, E., & Doussin, J.-F. (2017). Brown Carbon Production in Ammonium- or Amine-Containing Aerosol Particles by Reactive Uptake of Methylglyoxal and Photolytic Cloud Cycling. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(13), 7458–7466.
