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Kevin Schwarm

Photo of Kevin Schwarm


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109

Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Laboratory Studies And Atmospheric Observations


My research background is in the development and application of in-situ sensors based on mid-infrared tunable laser absorption spectroscopy. The range of applications included human breath analysis, airborne atmospheric sensing, and diagnostics for low-carbon combustion systems. My recent work has focused on applying machine learning methods for high-speed, real-time sensing applications. My current efforts at JPL involve developing miniature tunable laser spectrometers for trace gas sensing and isotope analysis.


  • 2023: PhD in Mechanical Engineering – University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • 2020: MS in Mechanical Engineering – University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • 2016: BS in Mechanical Engineering – University of Miami

Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral Fellow – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Laboratory Studies and Atmospheric Observations group (2023 – Present)
  • Graduate Student Researcher – University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Laser Spectroscopy and Gas Dynamics Laboratory (2017 – 2023)

Research Interests

  • In-situ laser absorption spectroscopy for harsh environments
  • Sensors for trace gas detection and analysis of reacting flows
  • Machine learning applied to optical diagnostics

Selected Awards

  • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow (2018-2021)
  • Cum Laude at University of Miami (2016)

Selected Publications

  1. Schwarm, K.K., Spearrin, R.M. (2023). Real-time FPGA-based laser absorption spectroscopy using on-chip machine learning for 10 kHz intra-cycle emissions sensing towards adaptive reciprocating engines. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, In Press.
  2. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2023). Quantitative volumetric laser absorption imaging of methane and temperature in flames utilizing line-mixing effects. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
  3. Schwarm, K.K., Minesi, N.Q., Jeevaretanam, B., Enayati, S., Tsao, T.C., Spearrin, R.M. (2022). Cycle-resolved emissions analysis of polyfuel reciprocating engines via in-situ laser absorption spectroscopy. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 ICE Forward Conference.
  4. Schwarm, K., Nair, A.P., Wei, C., Spearrin, R.M., Ozen, E. Gonzalez, E., Kriesel, J. (2022). Three-dimensional real-time mapping of CO and CO2 concentrations in active forest burns with a UAV Spectrometer. In AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum.
  5. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2021). Learning network for laser absorption imaging in flames using mid-fidelity simulations. In Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTh5A.6.
  6. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2021). Physics-trained neural network for sparse-view volumetric laser absorption imaging of species and temperature in reacting flows. Optics Express 29(4), 22553-22566.
  7. Li, J., Schwarm. K.K., Wei, C., Spearrin, R.M. (2021). Robust cepstral analysis at variable wavelength scan depth for narrowband tunable laser absorption spectroscopy. Measurement Science and Technology 32(4), 045502.
  8. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2021). Volumetric laser absorption imaging of temperature, CO and CO2 in laminar flames using 3D masked Tikhonov regularization. Combustion and Flame 224, 239-247.
  9. Sanders, I.C., Bendana, F.A., Stacy, N., Schwarm, K.K., Spearrin, R.M. (2021). Swirl injection in hybrid polymethylmethacrylate combustion assessed by thermochemical imaging. In AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 3513.
  10. Li, J., Nair, A.P., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2020). Temperature-dependent line mixing in the R-branch of the ν3 band of methane. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 255, 107271.
  11. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2020). 3D laser absorption imaging of combustion gases assisted by deep learning. In Laser Applications to Chemical, Security, and Environmental Analysis, LTh5F.1.
  12. Mehta, Y., Razavian, S., Schwarm, K., Spearrin, R.M., Babakhani, A. (2020). Terahertz gas-phase spectroscopy of CO using a silicon-based picosecond impulse radiator. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, SM2F.7.
  13. Wei, C., Schwarm, K.K., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2020). Deep neural network inversion for 3D laser absorption imaging of methane in reacting flows. Optics Letters 45(8), 2447-2450.
  14. Schwarm, K.K., Strand, C.L., Miller, V.A., Spearrin, R.M. (2020). Calibration-free breath acetone sensor with interference correction based on wavelength modulation spectroscopy near 8.2 µm. Applied Physics B 126(1), 9.
  15. Pineda, D.I., Bendana, F.A., Schwarm, K.K., Spearrin, R.M. (2019). Multi-isotopologue laser absorption spectroscopy of carbon monoxide for high-temperature chemical kinetic studies of fuel mixtures. Combustion and Flame 207, 379-390.
  16. Schwarm, K.K., Wei, C., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2019). Time-resolved laser absorption imaging of ethane at 2 kHz in unsteady partially premixed flames. Applied Optics 58(21), 5656-5662.
  17. Schwarm, K.K., Dinh, H.Q., Goldenstein, C.S., Pineda, D.I., Spearrin, R.M. (2019). High-pressure and high-temperature gas cell for absorption spectroscopy studies at wavelengths up to 8 µm. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 227, 145-151.