4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109Dr. Joshua Laughner is a member of the Tropospheric Composition group at JPL. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from UC Berkeley in 2018 before moving to Caltech to work as a postdoctoral scholar with Dr. Paul Wennberg. While at Caltech, Dr. Laughner was deeply involved in upgrading the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) retrievals. Since April of 2020, he has served as the deputy algorithm co-chair for the TCCON network.
As a scientist at JPL, Dr. Laughner’s focus remains on retrieval development and application. Currently, he is involved in retrieval development for TCCON, OCO-2 and -3, as well as the TROPESS project. He is interested in applying these retrievals to better understand processes governing the carbon cycle and air quality, with a particular interest in ways in which the carbon cycle and air quality intersect.
Carbon cycle, air quality, remote sensing of atmospheric composition