4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 183-901
Dr. Percival’s research studies the sources and fate of pollution in the atmosphere. In particular, on the photochemical oxidation of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which has major implications for urban and regional air quality, acid deposition, and global climate.
His research is in three main areas: the first is the development of methods to directly observe fundamental gas phase kinetics of key reactions of atmospheric importance in the laboratory. The second area of work focuses on the development of novel analytical techniques to quantify trace species in the atmosphere and the third area is on the study of the interaction of gases with aerosols. The data coming from his laboratory are providing an essential basis for the interpretation of atmospheric behavior and helping us to construct diagnostic and forecasting models of the atmosphere.
The most up-to-date list is at: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=o0iZAyMAAAAJ&hl=en
A subset of papers is below.