4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 300-323
Pasadena, CA 91109Caltech/JPL
Before starting at JPL, Raphaël studied the dynamics of benthic microalgae on intertidal mudflats. He is indeed used to combine numerical modeling and remote sensing for understanding the physical-biological coupling in such spatially and temporally variable environments. At JPL, his research focuses on the contribution of biogeochemical exports of rivers and coastal ecosystems in the carbon cycle of the global ocean. His work is supported by the ECCO-Darwin data-assimilative global ocean biogeochemistry model and remote sensing products in coastal areas and river deltas.
The Land-Ocean interface: the biogeochemical exports from rivers and coastal ecosystems and the productivity of coastal ecosystems (intertidal mudflats, mangroves, marshes) by combining physical-biological modeling and space remote sensing.