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Yuhe Tony Song

Photo of Yuhe Song


4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 300-323

Pasadena, CA 91109





Curriculum Vitae:

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Member of:

Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction


Employed By



  • Ph.D., Simon Fraser University, Canada (1987 ~ 1990)
  • M.S., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (1982 ~ 1984)
  • B.S., Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China (1978 ~ 1981)

Professional Experience

  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1998-present):
    • Principal Scientist, Earth Science Section (2018-present)
    • Research Scientist, Earth Science Section (2001-2018)
    • Senior Technical Staff, Ocean Science Element (1998-2001)
  • Bedford Institute of Oceanography: Research Associate (1996-1997)
  • Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey:
    • Research Assistant Professor (1993-1996)
    • Postdoctorial Fellow (1991-1993)

Research Interests

  • Innovative remote sensing: Using satellite measurements (e.g., altimetry, gravimetry, ocean salinity) to study ocean circulation and sea level changes
  • Tsunami source and early detection system: Using GPS and tele-seismic networks to study tsunami formation mechanism and to develop early warning system
  • Novel ocean modeling: Developing ocean general circulation models (e.g., the s-coordinate SCRUM and the non-Boussinesq ROMS) for coastal ocean studies

Selected Awards

  • NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for developing innovative technology (2018)
  • JPL Voyager Award for an innovative technology using GPS (2017)
  • NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for pioneering work in tsunami research, resulting in new insight into tsunami genesis and in advance a new approach to tsunami mitigation (2011)
  • Ed Stone Award for outstanding research on Detecting tsunami genesis and scales directly from coastal GPS stations (JPL) (2007)

Selected Publications

  1. Song, Y. T., K. Chen, and G. Prasetya (2023), How a strike-slip earthquake caused the 2018 Indonesian Palu tsunami, submitted to Pur Appl. Geophs. (revised).
  2. Jo, S., J.-H. Moon, T. Kim, Y. T. Song and H. Cha (2022) Interannual Modulation of Kuroshio in the East China Sea Over the Past Three Decades. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:909349. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.909349.
  3. Cha, H., Jae-Hong Moon, T. Kim, and Y. Tony Song (2021), Underlying drivers of decade-long fluctuation in the global mean sea-level rise, Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 124064.
  4. Chen K., Liu Z., and Y. T. Song (2019). Automated GNSS and teleseismic earthquake inversion (AutoQuake Inversion) for tsunami early warning: retrospective and real-time results, PAAG,
  5. Chen K., J. Smith, J. Avouac, Z. Liu, Y. T. Song, G. Adriano (2019). Triggering of the Mw 7.2 Hawaii earthquake of May 4, 2018 by a dike intrusion. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:
  6. Cha, S.-C., J.-H. Moon, & Y. T. Song (2018), A recent shift toward an El Niño-like ocean state in the tropical Pacific and the resumption of ocean warming. Geophysical Research Letters, (highlighted by EOS Research Spotlights, 4-2019).
  7. Chen, K., F. Wanpeng, Z. Liu, Y. T. Song (2018), 2017 Mw 8.1 Tehuantepec earthquake: deep slip and rupture directivity enhance ground shaking but weaken tsunamis. Seismological Research Letters,
  8. Song, Y. T., A. Mothat, S. Yim (2017), New insights on tsunami genesis and energy source, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, http://dx.doi:10.1002/2016JC012556.
  9. Shen, S. G. Behm, Y. T. Song, and T. Qu (2017), A dynamically consistent reconstruction of ocean temperature, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech.,
  10. Fu, Y. Y. T. Song, and R. Gross (2017), Linking Oceanic Tsunamis and Geodetic Gravity Changes of Large Earthquakes, Pur Appl. Geophs.,
  11. Titov, V., Y. T. Song, L. Tang, E. N. Bernard, Y. Bar-Sever, and Y. Wei (2016), Consistent estimates of tsunami energy show promise for improved early warning, Pur Appl. Geophs.,
  12. Moon, J.-H. and Y. T. Song (2016), Decadal sea level variability in the East China Sea linked to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, Cont. Shelf Res.,
  13. Moon, J.-H., Y. T. Song, and H. Lee (2015), PDO and ENSO modulations intensified decadal sea level variability in the tropical Pacific, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, (Joint AGU-NASA press-release, March 2016).
  14. Song, Y. T., T. Lee, J.-H. Moon, T. Qu, and S. Yueh (2015), Modeling skin-layer salinity with an extended surface-salinity layer, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120,
  15. Susanto, D. W, and Y. T. Song (2015), Indonesian throughflow proxy from satellite altimeters and gravimeters, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119,
  16. Moon, J.-H., and Y. T. Song (2014), Seasonal salinity stratifications in the near-surface layer from Aquarius, Argo, and an ocean model: Focusing on the tropical Atlantic/Indian Oceans, JGR-Oceans,
  17. Yueh, S., W. Tang, A. Fore, A. Hayashi, Y. T. Song, and G. Lagerloef (2014), Aquarius geophysical model function and combined active passive algorithm for ocean surface salinity and wind retrieval, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans,
  18. Qu, T., Y. T. Song, and C. Maes (2014), Sea surface salinity and barrier layer variability in the equatorial Pacific as seen from Aquarius and Argo, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans,
  19. Xu, Z. and Y. T. Song (2013), Combining the all-source Green’s functions and the GPS-derived source for fast tsunami prediction – illustrated by the March 2011 Japan tsunami, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech.,
  20. Moon, J.-H., Y. T. Song, P. D. Bromirski, and A. J. Miller (2013), Multidecadal regional sea level shifts in the Pacific over 1958–2008, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118,
  21. Moon, J.-H. and Y. T. Song (2013), Sea level and heat content changes in the western North Pacific. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans,
  22. Song, Y. T., I. Fukumori, C. K. Shum, and Y. Yi (2012), Merging tsunamis of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake detected over the open ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., (Nature Highlights, March 8, 2012).
  23. Galvan, D. A., A. Komjathy, M. P. Hickey, P. Stephens, J. Snively, Y. T. Song, M. D. Butala, and A. J. Mannucci (2012), Ionospheric signatures of Tohoku-Oki tsunami of March 11, 2011: Model comparisons near the epicenter, Radio Sci., 47, RS4003,
  24. Song, Y. T. and T. Qu (2011), Multiple satellite missions confirming the theory of seasonal oceanic variability in the northern Pacific, Marine Geodesy,
  25. Song, Y. T. and F. Colberg (2011), Deep ocean warming assessed from altimeters, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, in situ measurements, and a non-Boussinesq ocean general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C02020,
  26. Song, Y. T. and S.C. Han (2011), Satellite observations defying the long-held tsunami genesis theory, D.L. Tang (ed.), Remote Sensing of the Changing Oceans,, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  27. Song, Y. T., R. Gross, X. Wang, and V. Zlotnicki (2010), A non-Boussinesq terrain-following OGCM for oceanographic and geodetic applications, Advances in Geosciences, 18 (Ocean Science 2008, Eds. Gan et al.), 63-86.
  28. Qu, T. and Y. T. Song (2009), Mindoro Strait and Sibutu Passage transports estimated from satellite data, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
  29. Qu, T., Y. T. Song, and T. Yamagata (2009), An Introduction to the South China Sea Throughflow: Its dynamics, variability, and application for climate, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 47, 3-14.
  30. Song, Y. T. and V. Zlotnicki (2008), The subpolar ocean-bottom-pressure oscillation and its links to ENSO, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 29 (21), 6091-6107.
  31. Song, Y. T., L.-L. Fu, V. Zlotnicki, C. Ji, V. Hjorleifsdottir, C.K. Shum, and Y. Yi (2008): The role of horizontal impulses of the faulting continental slope in generating the 26 December 2004 Tsunami, Ocean Modelling,
  32. Song, Y. T. (2007), Detecting tsunami genesis and scales directly from coastal GPS stations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34,
  33. Zheng, Q., H. Lin, J. Meng, X. Hu, and Y. T. Song (2007), Sub-mesoscale Ocean Vortex Trains in the Luzon Strait, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C03021, doi:10.1029/2006JC003551.
  34. Zlotnicki, V., J. Wahr, I. Fukumori, and Y. T. Song (2006), The Antarctic Circumpolar Current: seasonal transport variability during 2002-2005, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, doi:10.1175/JPO3009.1.
  35. Song,Y. T. (2006), Estimation of interbasin transport using ocean bottom pressure: Theory and model for Asian marginal seas, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S19, doi:10.1029/2005JC003189.
  36. Zheng, Q., G. Fang, and Y. T. Song (2006), Introduction to special section: Dynamics and circulation of the Yellow, East, and South China Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S01, doi:10.1029/2005JC003261.
  37. Song, Y. T. and T. Y. Hou (2006), Parametric vertical coordinate formulation for multiscale, Boussinesq, and non-Boussinesq ocean modeling, Ocean Modelling. http://dx.oi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2005.01.001.
  38. Song, Y. T., C. Ji, L.-L. Fu, V. Zlotnicki, C.K. Shum, Y. Yi, and V. Hjorleifsdottir (2005), The 26 December 2004 Tsunami Source Estimated from Satellite Radar Altimetry and Seismic Waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, doi:10.1029/2005GL023683.
  39. Song, Y. T. and V. Zlotnicki (2004), Ocean bottom pressure waves predicted in the tropical Pacific, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, No. 5, L05306, 10.1029/2003GL018980.
  40. Song, Y. T. and Y. Chao (2004), The role of topography in coastal upwelling and cross-shore exchange: A theoretical study, Ocean Modelling, 6(2), 151-176.