AIRS The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, AIRS, is an instrument whose goal is to support climate research and improved weather forecasting.
CloudSat CloudSat is an experimental satellite that uses radar to study clouds and precipitation from space. CloudSat flys in orbital formation as part of the A-Train constellation of satellites (Aqua, CloudSat, CALIPSO, PARASOL, and Aura).
GRIP The Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) experiment was conducted to better understand storms and hurricanes.
GeoSTAR The Geostationary Synthetic Thinned Aperture Radiometer (GeoSTAR) is a new concept for a microwave sounder, intended to be deployed on NOAA's next generation of geostationary weather satellites, the GOES-R series.
HS3 The Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) is a five-year mission specifically targeted to investigate the processes that underlie hurricane formation and intensity change in the Atlantic Ocean Basin.
JIFRESSE JIFRESSE is a scientific collaboration between UCLA and JPL to improve understanding and to develop future projections about global climate change.
MEaSUREs: SIF-ESDR NASA's Earth Science Program is dedicated to advancing Earth remote sensing and pioneering the scientific use of satellite measurements to improve human understanding of our home planet.
NAMMA The NASA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (NAMMA) campaign is a field research investigation sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
NEWS The NASA Energy and Water cycle Study project uses satellite observations to improve predictions of water-related processes in the Earth's climate system.
NPP The National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) mission collects and distributes remotely-sensed land, ocean, and atmospheric data to the meteorological and global climate change communities.
PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE), externally led by UW-Madison, will quantify the radiative processes effected by changing temperatures in the Arctic.
SERVIR SERVIR aims to advance and transition NASA capabilities towards critical regions around the world.
SMAP - Soil Moisture Active Passive The Soil Moisture Active Passive mission provides measurements of soil moisture, freeze/thaw state, as well as sea surface salinity and ocean wind.
TCSP The Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) mission is an Earth science field research investigation sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).