4800 Oak Grove Drive
M/S 300-323
Dr. Severine Fournier is a research scientist in the Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction group at JPL. She currently studies linkages of the ocean with the Earth water cycle, including land-sea exchanges using principally satellite sea surface salinity and temperature, altimetry, ocean currents and ocean color measurements.
She is the Deputy Project Scientist for the Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 Mike Freilich mission, the Deputy Lead of the NASA Ocean Salinity Science Team, and a Deputy PI for the Arctic Salinity field campaign Salinity And Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE).
She did her PhD at IFREMER, the French National Oceanographic Center on the relationship between sea surface salinity and optical properties in river plumes using satellite measurements. She joined JPL in 2015.